Survivor 10/16/03

How did Rupert word it when he was talking abut Morgan? He had never seen a tribe work so hard at not working? I can’t rememeber exactly how he said it, cause I was laughing.

I loved the preview for next week…

With Osten running away from the bird. What a guy.

Magayuk: I was bitten by a goose once. Once. :wink:

So everyone drank their seafood smoothies. Hope no one gets some dread bacterial infection from eating raw shellfish. DOES NO ONE TAKE THE FDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFE FOOD PREPARATION SERIOUSLY? Surely, there’s gotta be a line or two about not serving food that has flies all over it!!! Okay, sorry, I get a little freaky about e.coli and trichinosis.


Morgan seems soooo nonchalant about being down to a few handfuls of rice and beans. Guess they realize that as evil as Mark Burnett is, he probably wouldn’t let them starve to death. Pesky lawsuits and all that. Though, truly, if anyone deserves to die of starvation it’s Osten “The water’s not soaking our beds yet!” Powerless.

Wonder if Michelle is re-thinking her answer to Jeff’s question about the wisdom of throwing the Immunity Challenge now that she’s been voted off. Or her strategy of acting girlish at drinking the Seafood Smoothies. Idiot.

Did Jon get NO attention at all as a child? Though Jeff’s obvious dislike of him is very amusing.

Rupe is the man. He’s smart, he’s motivated, he’s crafty, he’s industrious, he’s athletic. On a side note, there was a questionnaire in this week’s TV Guide to vote for your favorite Reality Show participant. Aside from the predictable Hunks of the Week (the dudes from The Bachelor/ette, etc.) is our man Rupert.

I think Drake was always counting on being dominant once the merger took place. Once more loss and they’ll be tied with Morgan for # of participants, no? Doofuses. It will certainly make for a much more interesting merger than the lopsides votes of previous years where they picked off the outnumbered tribe one by one.

I think Rupert pushed the rice so they wouldn’t take his spear.

Did anybody else notice the big jugs of lotion that both teams had this week? I wonder if it’s something for the insect bites.

It would’ve been funny if Rupert had given Andrew that last can of spam that Drake was saving for Ruperts return.

It’s bad enough that Morgan has had the spear all this time and not used it, but they didn’t even try to figure out HOW to use it.

Rupert is totally dominating every aspect of the game – kicking ass at challenges without alienating anyone on either team. BUT…he’s not building alliances (that we can see). He’s dead meat in the first IC post-merge (unless we wins all IC’s from then on…)

Did it seem a bit strange that no one else on Drake had an opinion about what Andrew should loot?

About the IC: they get a moderately cryptic tree mail, and immediately figure out that it’s a food challenge, what the format is, how the tiebreaker works, and their strategy for winning the tiebreaker. Either the producers are briefing them off-camera, or MB needs to come up with a new challenge–if the contestants have it scoped before they get to IC, it’s getting stale.

Another stupid thing Jon did in the RC was trying to paddle the boat from the back, when he was supposed to be steering. That’s what got them so far off course. Freaking idiot.

** Now that’d be some Must-See TV!

I loved Osten’s whiney comments about having to move the shelter “right now.” Uh, yeah, right now, dumbass. You wanna move it when the water is right up in the shelter? As Rupert said, they work really hard at not working. They deserve to get flooded out.
I wonder if Ryan tried to use the speargun after Rupert left? Are they still sitting around starving? Or are they catching fish?

What would they do with two spears (they can’t figure out how to use one)? Use them as two-handed back-scratchers?

Amen! But you know, it does make me wonder…

Jon is almost universally despised. The editors can’t even hide Jeff’s contempt for him. Why on earth, then, do his tribemates not despise him — at least not enough to get rid of him? Blows my mind.

It is getting a little stale. It went pretty much along the lines of all previous Survivor food challenges — even how the tiebreaker works. The blender thing wasn’t that hard to figure out since their treemail came in a soda glass.

Remember Lex from Africa. All of us watching were thinking he was an obvious psychopath and wondering why he wasn’t voted off. But the people in the show said he was nowhere near as bad as the editing made him appear. Kim even picked Ethan because she thought Lex was more popular with the other players. It could be the same situation with Jon. Burnett may have decided to focus on him being a drunken idiot. Maybe he’s actually a relatively quiet guy 23 hours a day and we’re only seeing the bad parts.

And finally, I’d like to belatedly give thanks to Morgan for not voting off Darrah at their last Tribal Council. Watching Lil take a shower wouldn’t have been the same at all.

On their post-boot media tours, Michelle and Burton have both said that they liked Jon. Michelle in particular says she thinks he’s getting bad editing. That may or may not accurately reflect the mood of the rest of the tribe. Sandra certainly can’t stand the doofus, and last night’s preview seemed to show Shawn and Jon yelling at each other.

If the Drake voting trend continues, I’d expect to see Shawn on the chopping block next week. After Michelle, he’s the next outsider, despite his last-second abandonment of Burton.

I love Rupert. My favorite part of the show was when he was talking to Michelle about the tribal council. She suddenly gets up and runs over to the edge of the beach to puke (I assume from the seafood smoothies earlier). Rupert calmly follows over to where she is puking and sits down next to her and continues discussing the council while absently throwing sand over her puke, continuing to ask her questions as she is being sick.

I really want him to win, I don’t know of any contestant who deserved it more. Unfortunately that means he’s probably not going to win, if the others see him as a threat. So far though, people seem to like and respect him. He’s not stupid though and seems to know how to play the game better than anyone I have seen yet, so hopefully he will work on his alliances more after the merge.

Didn’t Jon make a cryptic comment to the effect that he played the RC badly intentionally ?

But if I heard correctly, after the confrontation between Jon and Shawn, Sandra was saying Shawn was the annoying one.

I think Rupert will go a ways farther. He appears to be in a solid alliance with Christa, Sandra, and Trish and at least partways with Jon. Shawn is obviously more than willing to join up as well. For that matter, most of the Morgans would probably jump at a chance to form an alliance with Rupert. So he’s in a strong position until it gets down to the final few. If he’s smart (and he certianly seems to be the smartest player in this year’s series) he’ll make sure that he gets into the final four with some loyal people who won’t try to backstab him at the last minute because of his popularity.

The biggest threat I see coming Rupert’s way is next week’s immunity challenge. If the Drakes blow it, there’ll probably be a 5-5 merger. If the Morgans can convince Shawn or Jon to jump tribes, Rupert and all of the Drakes will be voted off one by one.

No fan should miss an episode. Would you like a tape?

I think he was takling about the previous week’s immunity challenge.

Yeah, that would make more sense. Of course, Jon has never made much sense to me. :slight_smile:

Hey, I missed the episode. Did Morgan get to pick a Drake player to come and play this week as well? Who’d they pick?

By the way, Ryan O (Rhino, I believe they call him) seems to be very nice, very well-intentioned, and extremely stupid. He was the one that was willing to go out with Rupert and learn how to use the spear, he took the blame for losing that fish, but man, he just seems dumb as dirt. I guess no one in the tribe figured out how to use the spear, so you can’t blame him for that, but still. His days are numbered.

Much, no team switching this time.