I didn’t see a Survivor thread for tonight’s episode, so I thought I’d start one.
I like reading Survivor threads, but if I’m not careful or don’t realise what time it is, I may see an unboxed spoiler. We on the Left have to avoid these threads for four hours, due to the time difference between here and the Right Coast and because people sometimes start posting early into the programme. So please box your spoilers until the show is over, over here!
Anyway, my guesses…
Ian. Won the car. Will tradition hold? Is he doomed to lose the million?
Tom. He knows he’s a target. Having made the Final Four, I have no doubt that he’ll vote Ian out at the first opportunity. He may have an advantage in an endurance challenge over the women.
Katie. The second to go, if not TomIan? Katie already has Caryn’s vote against her. Maybe. Caryn might be pissed at Tom because he voted against her. (Notwithstanding that she was going to vote him off if he hadn’t won immunity.)
Jenn. She has Gregg’s vote if the’s in the Final Two. First to go, if not TomIan?
I think that TomIan wants Katie in the F2. But TomIan knows that he must get rid of IanTom so that he will not be against him in the F2. Too risky when a million simoleons is at stake. Tom or Ian, whoever does not win immunity, will go. Jenn will be next.
If Katie or Jenn wins immunity, Tom will be first because he is such a physical threat. The remaining man will vote out Jenn.
Pointing out the obvious: the final IC is always a physical endurance test. If Tom is still there (and I don’t see how he couldn’t be), I can’t see him being beat in that challenge. Tom will then pick someone who isn’t Ian to go with him to the jury.
There are two ways I’d like to see this go tonight:
Jenn is gone first. Tom wins endurance, takes Katie to the F2. Tom wins.
Jenn wins the first round of immunity (because we’d all be shocked! shocked!). She pairs up with Tom, as the previews hint, he convinces her to take Katie out of the game. Tom wins endurance, takes Jenn to the F2. Tom wins.
I don’t see Ian going first, or coming in anything other than third.
I’m an East Coaster, but after this very post, I promise not to post anything until tomorrow morning. Anyway … sadly (because everyone already knows how I feel about my beloved Ian), I believe NotWithoutRage’s statement to be correct. I hope I am wrong, but my gut tells me I am not. We shall see what we shall see, I guess.
Geeze Rockle, don’t you like your men old enough to grow a real beard? I see Ian, and I see everybody I know at 14 in the beard department. I just looks so immature.
But I hope that there is a backlash vote and Jenn wins. Just to show that being manipulative costs you in the end.
I just need to repeat here, Ian may be the biggest idiot to ever make it to the final four. Watch the first hour and try to disagree with me, I dare you.
No, his problem was he was trying to have it both ways: he was trying to be The Good Guy (which he apparently IS, by nature) AND play the game by lies and half-truths. And because he WAS a nice guy, he wasn’t good at all at lying. He’s an idiot for trying to be the Con when he’s too nice to be the Con.
The last time someone tried to make a West Coast thread for Survivor, it got locked because they don’t want duplicate threads. Just saying, to forestall the West Coast people who are going to be jumping six ways to Sunday all over ronincyberpunk…
Ian is a class act…I give him mad props. But I still say he was an idiot at the game. ALL he had to do…THE ONE THING he had to do…was NOT take Tom along on the reward challenge. Nothing else, just that. Even if he didn’t take Katie and say, took Jenn, he could have told Katie he was worried if he left Tom with the two girls that Tom would have tried to get them to vote her off. But that one screw-up put him in the hole and he had to give up a million bucks to dig his way out.
I’m watching the after-show stuff and may I say that I still love Tom? Coby and James interacting made me laugh. Janu is beautiful and I can’t wait to hear what Steph has to say.
Thank god for the addition of a spoiler warning in the title!
I think this Survivor is a landmark. The first ever Survivor set the tone for everything else following to play like a bunch of coniving shitty liars and cheats. Sure, some made it pretty far being good guys (Rupert), and even got their own rewards for that, but basically, the worse you were as a person, the better chance you had of winning 1Million or 100K.
Now, this show. The people who showed the most heart, the ones who stayed by their word, the one that worked harder than most, won. As big of a precedent setter as the first ever Survivor was, I think this one sets a new precedent. At least, we may see two different gameplans in the next one.
Also, even tho I wanted Steph to win and still don’t think I would get along with Tom irl, I have to admit he won a good hard fight. I still think Steph got a raw deal, tho. Of all of them, she actually did play the hardest. On a weak team, she kept them in there. Then, they threw to her to the Koror wolves. Should’ve let her pick off people in individual challenges for a while, even up her odds.