TEST YOURSELF How panic-proof are you?

Stinking Opera browser! I’m not going to click all these dots again!

I got 97 :slight_smile:

Not bad.

Your score is : 80.8

A score of less than 50 means you’re likely to panic in an emergency. You’re not very likely to panic if your score is between 50 and 70. If it’s between 70 and 90, you’re panic-resistant. Above 90, you’re as close to being panic-proof as a human can be. Men should score a trifle higher than women.

You know, when I realized it wasn’t going to work in Netscape, I just opened IE and copied my answers over. I didn’t fill in all the dots, but I copied the time over. Might that explain my artifical score?

My score: 123.2. “Above 90, you’re as close to being panic-proof as a human can be.” I haven’t looked at the methodology yet.

… Okay, I’ve looked at the methodology, and… eh. Yeah, I was a fire and disaster warden for a while, and yeah, my wife treated me as her “rock” when she was having panic flashbacks to our big earthquake three years ago, but still… eh.

68.3 Those first questions are really wierd. I have a short temper and I hate people, but what does that have to do with being panicky?

Okay, so the test says I’m not a panicker, but what the hell was up with all those questions? It was like half panic test, half IQ test. And was I the only one irritated by those God forsaken dots? Part of me just wanted to quit b/c it was stupid, but patiently, I clicked every single one of those annoying little dots. Question: why do they think how much you panic can be determined by how quickly you fill in little circles? What if your mouse sucks? What if you were purposelt taking your sweet time b/c you didn’t think it was a big deal? Uhh, what if your hand was broken or something?

I’m suspicious. I have severe anxiety disorder and I scored 87.9!

84.5 and I’m not surprised—I delivered 2 bad babies today but had respiratory therapy goddess and old baby RN, so the APGAR of 4 wasn’t as scary as it might’ve been, but THEN delivered, just me and the doc, APGAR 5 and had to give Narcan stat. Broke the glass vial, drew up a cc in a tb syringe and injected into baby thigh and baby was breathing and wonderful!

Your score is : 125.8
A score of less than 50 means you’re likely to panic in an emergency. You’re not very likely to panic if your score is between 50 and 70. If it’s between 70 and 90, you’re panic-resistant. Above 90, you’re as close to being panic-proof as a human can be. Men should score a trifle higher than women.

According to this “test”, dyslexics, aphasics, and folks who are bad at doing arithmetic are automatically more panic-prone. It doesn’t matter that we’ve talked people down from inappropriate use of sharp objects, taken a wife with an enormous dermal/ovarian cyst to the hospital in the middle of the night, etc. etc. etc. All that matters is the ability to do standardized test questions and fill in little dots under a time constraint. Actual coolness of mind in real crises or near-crises is irrelevant.

Typical PBS garbage.

117.4. I’m surprised it’s that high, though, since I took so long filling in those dots and figuring out that gasoline question. Still, I figured I’d get a half-way decent score since I’ve had a few jobs that aren’t tolerated very well by those who tend to panic.

Gee whiz, Dogface, PBS never said it was a good test of your ability to perform in crisis situations; they copied it from a 50-year old source. It’s presented here more as a historical curiosity than a psychoanalytic tool:


Makes sense, as paranoid and anxious as I can be, when I’m in an actual dangerous situation I am almost always very calm until it’s over.


And I would absolutly freak out if I was trapped in a lift betwwen floors, but I always choose not to go in them anyway.


Put me in a crowd of strangers though and I hit faliure to cope.

115.6, but I had to keep checking behind me to see if my boss was staring at me holding a freaking heavy three-ring binder out with my right hand and my left hand behind my back.

Yes, I was in a bit of a panic about it.

I’ll take a shot. They may not have known this in 1953, but men are going to do better (in general) on spatial questions, like the ‘rotating the shape in your head’ question, and the triangle counting question. Then again, in 1953, knowing women were inferior at ‘serious’ stuff was ‘common knowledge.’

  1. Because the task is annoying, and doing something that is its own irritant when you need to focus measures ‘panicability’ (WAG)?

  2. Then you’re SOL - the test was designed for pencil and paper.

  3. The test said it was measuring your time on that task. I guess the answer is that it means you don’t think your panic-quotient is a big deal. That’s perhaps the best insight of all.

Oh - 69.3. Woulda done better but I lost ten while counting the X’s.

Your score is : 109.2