Picture, if you will, GregMoose working at his desk with nary a care in the world. Business is good, the sun is shining, Mrs. Moose just got a new job. Oh look, a friend has sent me an email! La lala always nice to get a message from a friend. Hmmm, no text but what’s this attachment? (cue sinister music as GM double clicks.)
Dude. Thank you so much for sending porn to me at work. Why, even though I’ve had a connection for 10 years I never knew that porn was available on the internet! For free even! And since you know that I work for the family business you must have wanted to share this lovely picture with my mom (who sits behind me with a full view of my monitor). How considerate. I know you are excited by the wonderful world of porn, but please, restrain your enthusiasm in the future.
And now a stern lecture for the young lady with the Coke can in her ass.
What precisely made you think sticking a Coke can up your ass was a good idea? Did someone pay you? I imagine the photographer saying “I’ll give you a thousand dollars and a life time supply of Depends!” Or perhaps you were expecting to get paid by the Coca Cola Company for your fine product endorsement? (“When I stick a can up my ass, only Coke will do!”) Do you understand the concept of a sphincter muscle? That particular muscle is designed to do one thing – keep poop from filling your drawers! How well is it working now?