The guys, Penny and Zack enter a contest costumed as memebrs of The Justice League. The prize is a small trophy and big honor.
Yeah, and there are some nice shots of Penny’s knock-knock-knock-Penny-knock-knock-knock-Penny-knock-knock-knock…
There are nights when Penny only looks average. Tonight she was about a 15 on a scale of 1-10. And that was just for her hair. In the Wonder Woman outfit, she goes off the charts.
I am a way bigger comic geek than Sheldon.
I was able to name 3 universes off the top of my head where Wonder Woman is blonde…
Hm. Let’s see if I can think of three:
The Cathy Lee Crosby version, one of the successors in John Byrne’s Generations, the alternate future Cassie Sandsmark as Wondy?
Would any of them have been fully compatible with the rest of the costumes, though?
A good episode until the end, when the sight of Sheldonflash running to the Grand Canyon bordered on greatness.
Yep, those are the three I immediately came up with. Also strawberry blonde Artemis’s time using the title.
And, no, they wouldn’t have matched the boys, but that’s not really answering Sheldon’s ‘In what universe is Wonder Woman blonde?’
Aww, I missed a bit of that when my cable box decided it was time to change channels for 30 rock. Switched back, but I think I missed the point. Did he actually scream at the Grand Canyon??
And also, I think it’s interesting that they’re still ship-teasing us with the possibility of a ‘Lenny’ reunion and not delivering on it yet.
Well, given that we had a Superfriends Aquaman in the mix, an Earth-B (for “blonde”) Wonder Woman would have worked fine.
Milk Dud?
Sheldon doing the Flash knock-knock-knock-Penny 39 times was damn good. It was also damn good to see Kaly Cuomo up and around. The hard cast must have been removed from her leg.
I thought the other knocking joke was funnier.
[Sheldon, Raj and Leonard standing outside Penny’s door. Leonard knocks three times.]
Sheldon: Penny
Having been introduced to ‘Shenny’ via fanfic, words cannot express how disappointed I’d be with the return of ‘Lenny’.
I loved this episode from beginning to end. I like Zack as well, he plays off very well against the guys.
I loved Raj’s comments about costumes and the guys and their bullying poor Zack who only wants to be their friend. Very good stuff.
I am not a fan of the on-again / off-again romances, I had enough of that on Cheers, so I hope they don’t go backwards with Penny and Leonard. But I do like Zack being part of the group, as he makes for an interesting angle with the smart guys
I like Zack, too. He has that “dumb but nice” vibe about him, and does play off well with the guys, I think.
Howard’s Batman suit was kind of retro, as well. Sort of Adam West, but with muscle pads. This was not a perfectly-matched JLA set.
I’m not nerdy enough to get this - what is the Flash connection with (yelling at) the Grand Canyon?
It’s really far away. That’s the connection.
Thanks for the image of Johnny Galecki and Simon Helberg being pried off her like unruly puppies.
Penny was hot. No Linda Carter though.
I really like the bit with Penny telling the guys that for people who talk about being bullied all the time, they sure weren’t nice to Zach. That was right on the money. Hello, empathy.