I am starting this thread in anticipation of tonight’s episode.
After tonight, what ultimate geek icons are left who haven’t been on the show? If you wanted to get someone jaw-dropping, someone who Sheldon and the rest would ge apeshit over meeting, who would it be? The only two that occur to me are Harrison Ford and George Lucas.
And I think it would have been funnier if Leonard had recognized Kareem from Airplane, but nothing else.
You just saw an episode with Shatner, right? Shouldn’t that guy bring to mind how the leader of the X-Men also captained the Enterprise?
McAvoy or Stewart? These timelines can get so confusing.
When they looked at the picture of who was at the D&D party and said “it’s Stewart!” I was expecting Patrick Stewart, probably because his name was on Leonard’s whiteboard.
I really enjoyed this episode. I almost felt sorry for WW but by the end he had some good payback on the gang. I would watch him in a sitcom about the real life adventures of Professor Photon. It would be a good way for the BBT cast to do an occasional cameo.
The women were just as bad as the men chasing celebrities but I’ll let that slide.
Wil Wheaton had a web series (Tabletop) where he played board games with various celebrities (including one with Mayim Bialik) and has/had an RPG one as well
Joe Manganiello is actually a big D&D nerd. He built the Gary Gygax Memorial Dungeon in his basement.
A really fun episode! Glad they finally got William Shatner to guest star on the show.
That was kinda fun! Hubby enjoyed it a lot and he’s my barometer on whether others will like it since he only watches because he’s sitting next to me on the couch.
I haven’t played D&D in 30 years, but I’m depressed that I still know what an otyugh and neo-otyugh are.
“I think this is the greatest day of my entire life!”
“It’s OK buddy. One day you’ll meet a girl.”
On the other hand, I have a hard time believing that William Shatner or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar have ever played D&D in their lives.
Shatner and Kaley Cuoco seemed like an odd pairing at first. Then I remembered they did those Priceline commercials together, so they actually knew each other already.
An okay episode, and it did bring back some fond memories of Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop series. Still, I didn’t laugh a whole lot. Mostly it’s an episode trading on the Look How Many Guest Stars We Managed To Wrangle factor than a really solid storyline.
Fun episode. Anybody notice WW’s house number?
Bonus points for the *Deadpool *reference.
Yes! Great idea.
I agree about Shatner, but Abdul-Jabbar actually has some nerd cred: Amazon.com: Mycroft and Sherlock (MYCROFT HOLMES): 9781785659256: Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, Waterhouse, Anna: Books
Yeah, a fun episode. I half expected Bob Newhart to show up in his Jedi robe (Will he return in any of the remaining shows?).
IMDB doesn’t show any upcoming *BBT *appearances by him.
The trick would be to do an actual kids’ show, but with layers, so that 30 years later, the Photon Fans could watch it and see stuff they missed as young’uns.
I wanted to like this episode. I saw within it the potential for really good. But I think the show has senioritis and everyone’s just phoning it in, waiting for graduation. Not skipping school because that might affect final grades, but doing just the bare minimum until the last day. Usually it’s the writing that has disappointed me the last year or two but it was the acting and directing and editing. It didn’t flow or feel natural. It was just off. Too long of pauses between lines, awkward readings, stiffness. Rushed and stilted both at the same time.
But again, the writing was good and good casting. The sight gag of Kareem next to Bernadette was classic. And I do love an episode of Wil stirring shit just for funsies.
I think I like shows better when they’re giving it their all to get on air, get picked up, get renewed, get to syndication. The hunger drives passion.
Is it bad that I only knew who Shatner and Kareem were?
As that was part of the joke throughout the episode, no, it is not bad at all.
“Yeah, we deserved that.”
I didn’t know much about Manganiello until maybe a year and a half ago, when his wife, Sofia Vergara, was on Colbert. She talked about how much her husband loved “Doonjons and Drahgons,” and how he and his friends play for hours in the special room in the basement.
Since then, I’ve seen him make numerous appearances in which he’s talked about playing, and rolling d20s with Colbert on his show.