The Bloomin' MMP

Bumba scatter plant some daffodils this Fall and really confuse her! :smiley:

Congrats Butters!

Home at last. I did get a few things to do for my last hour and they’ll drag into tomorrow. I may take in my swiffer duster to clean my office, just in case no one gives me anything to do.

We’re going to do grab-whatever for supper. I may make some egg salad.

I meant to sleep with Mel last night, but when I went back, I just took my regular meds. Still, I was tired enough that I crashed for about 5 solid hours. When I woke around 2:30, I realized I hadn’t drugged myself. Still, I felt mostly rested, so there’s that.

Life is so exciting…

We have supped. It was good if not excitatin’. No matter it will sustain us, plus there’s ice cream. Tomorrow we shall sup upon all you can eat smoked chikin at Sonny’s. YUM!

Congrats Butters!

WTG butters!

Feel better soonest nettie.

Back from my eye doctor appointment. I took the back way and it was a lovely drive. I may have to ride the bike that route this summer. There are a lot of hills and curves that would be really fun.


Way to go, Butters!
Started my day at the radio station; made a connection for a friend to be interviewed for an upcoming event so I was there for that segment. They might have me on for something different in the fall, too.
Just et an uneaten fortune cookie. Fortune was, " Even the greatest of whales is helpless in the middle of the desert."
Now I’m one who [del]likes[/del] loves adventure, but I took that to mean stay where you belong & with what your good at, so…

::Pelts flytrap with rotten tomatoes::
:cool: :slight_smile:

“The weak of intellect attack the great of intellect with rotten tomatoes.”
-Robert E. Howard.

“Oh, a Wise guy
-Moe Howard.

I was amused by that sort of thing when I was nine or ten.

Happy smoke-free Anniversary, Butters; may the following years be easier and easier.

{{nettie}} Get to feelin’ better.

Sari, I’m old enough to have had to mow the lawn with a old push mower, where all the horsepower was provided by me. Tell the kid he’s got it easy.

Soccer coached and dinner consumed, so all is right with the world.

sari, I, too, have used a reel mower when I had a postage stamp that I was responsible for mowing. It actually was quicker and easier than gassing and maintenance of a push mower.

OK – before I read any of this ----- the OW made it home safe and brought me many fine t-shirts from a side trip on the way back to the airport.

At Uranus.

One from the fudge shop ------ The Best Fudge Comes From Uranus

The locksmith ------ We Keep Uranus Safe

The mortuary ------ We Dig Them Deep in Uranus

so my work wardrobe is set for the week. HR may want to talk to me at some point but its not like it would be the first time.
We need an Smilie for “squealing for joy like a little kid”

No thanks, I already did one. Now that I’m home I’m doing several more but -------- different.

On flowers — guess its time to start planning when I want to do the Memorial Day pre-planting. One of the signs of age is that the number of places you need to visit and plant grows.

I remember him. BTW didn’t the Flightless Birds screw the pooch tonight?

Congratulations!!! I’ll just have to have me another sip in your honor.

And somehow I am amused that you imply you are no longer amused by that sort of thing.

OK – I think I am caught up at least here. Now to roam and drink-post some.

Work, came home. Pens lost(yay!) to the Caps(Boo!) Watching more hockey.

I live in an apartment complex, so other people do the lawn for me. The complex is also mostly natural , which I like. Trees and a lack of irrigation mean lower costs to live here.:slight_smile:

Feel better, Nettie.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 56 Amurrkin out and clear (well, dark) with a predicted high of 88 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Today’s agenda includes spreadin’ of fancy mulch around the cee-mint pond (an area by the cee-mint pond that has some green plants that don’t require a lot of maintenance) and laundry. Rah. I intend to spread mulch when there’s enough daylight out to get goin’, hence the reason for bein’ up now. Just need to get that done, so get it done I shall.

{{{Nettie}}} feel better soonest!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Woo and Hoo.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

My nephew the hockey blogger/podcaster is pleased with the Caps’ win, as are many of the locals. Last hockey game I attended was in 1975 - I went with a coworker who had a mad crush on Guy La Fleur and Gordie Howe. She tried to explain the game to me, but I never could figure it out. Skate skate skate skate shoot skate skate skate shoot skate shoot shoot skate skate shoot score repeat.


Baby Engineer left me another drawing to do so I should be busy this morning. Tim claims he has a bunch for me, but he can’t seem to get the list together. Josh is in design phase - drafting is still a ways away. I love my job!

Happy Tuesday

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work. Not working a double today, but no hockey tonight. :confused:

My Inner 8 Year Old Boy is giggling hysterically.:smiley:

You forgot a “fight” in there, & a few faceoffs, but I’d say you got it. :wink:
[del]Up[/del] no longer fully comatose, dairying the lawn.

**Spidey **- you’re right, of course. It has been a few decades…

Thought I had the hang of sleeping in…guess I need remedial lessons, I was up before 0600 again.

Probably going out to a remodeling place to look around and maybe schedule an appointment. A CD comes due tomorrow and I’m probably going to move it into regular savings to finance anything I do. Ah, the joys of spending money.

Also just about decided to go to Charlotte, NC for a AYSO soccer tournament 1-4 June. I’ve always made the ones in Huntsville and Knoxville, but Charlotte is 8+ hours driving, so I had to think about it, but what the heck, get out of town for a while. Need to book a hotel this week.

I think I attended a professional hockey game when I was 12-13 and was so impressed I haven’t been back in 50+ years.

OK, raisin bread is on the morning menu so I need to get it in my belly.