The Color of Crime

Since 1972, the U.S. Department of Justice has conducted a National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to determine the frequency of certain crimes. One category is interracial crimes. Its most recent publication (1997), “Criminal Victimization in the U.S.,” reports on data collected in 1994. In that year, there were about 1,700,000 interracial crimes, of which 1,276,030 involved whites and blacks. In 90 percent of the cases, a white was the victim and a black was the perpetrator, while in 10 percent of the cases it was the reverse.

Another finding of the NCVS report is that of the 2,025,464 violent crimes committed by blacks in 1994, 1,140,670 were against whites – that’s slightly over 56 percent. Whites committed 5,114,692 violent crimes; 135,360, or 2.6 percent were against blacks.

In 1997, there were 2,336 whites charged with
anti-black crimes and 718 blacks charged with
anti-white crimes, so-called hate crimes. Although the absolute number of white offenders was larger, the black rate per 100,000 of the population was greater, making blacks twice as likely to commit hate crimes.

So, I’m a “racist”, right? Damn right, and a mad one, too.

Discriminating people discriminate

[Moderator Hat: ON]

Is there a debate here, or just a rant?

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

[Moderator Hat: OFF]

[Member Hat: ON]

Well, it quacks like a rant.

Libertarian, SDMB Great Debates Member

[Member Hat: OFF]

“It is lucky for rulers that men do not think.” — Adolf Hitler

This one seems perfect for the BBQ pit, since the OP’s only intention seems to be defending himself against charges of racism, and not to actually debate the reasons that the statistics are slanted.

Never attribute to an -ism anything more easily explained by common, human stupidity.

Captain Ed, I’ve been trying to tell these people the same thing!

Unfortunately, this place is too “politically correct” to get meaningful dialogue (they’ll call you are racist for just bringing up those points). They’ll make all these excuses for blacks, but the same things won’t apply to whites.

Blacks commit crimes against whites because they are poor. Redneck commit crimes against blacks because they are racist. Um, excuse me, aren’t rednecks poor, too?

It’s almost like Jesse Jackson in Decatur: We’ll ignore the school absenteeism, gang involvement, and violent fight because these poor innocent blacks are being railroaded.

Folks, you might not like what Ed says but he has a right to say it. He has not said anything overtly racist yet.

Ed, I think the reason you see more black on white crime is just because we are, in most cases, the “haves” and they are the “have nots,” in most cases. I think criminals go where the money is. As Willy Sutton said, when asked why he robbed banks, " because that’s where the money is"

Isn’t black on black crime a big problem?

Things are not what they seem to be; nor are they otherwise.
[lankavatara Sutra]

Man, look at those disparate crime rates. Obviously, Whitey’s still letting his own get off scott free, while he just charges every black man he sees with a crime. You’re right, Captain Ed, something’s got to be done to stop the entrenched white power structure. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

“Are you frightened of snakes?”
“Only if they dress up as werewolves.”

Imagine that this public message board isn’t a place for people to come and lecture, but rather a place for debate. Of course, people like you and Capt. Ed don’t want to debate you want to put yourself up on a pedestal and provide a lecture to all the ignorant masses who don’t know about all the terrible things done against poor, innocent white folk. Well, bully for you, but if you can’t understand why such a preaching lecture would fall on deaf and unamused ears that is your problem. Don’t blame the student, blame the teacher.

“Glitch … Window, large icons.” - Bob the Guardian

[Moderator Hat: ON]

Since Captain Ed replied in the other thread and didn’t answer my question there about whether it was a debate or a rant, and since I see no evidence of it being a debate here, to the Pit it goes. (Probably should have just done so right off the bat, in hindsight.)

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

[Moderator Hat: OFF]

Incidentally – Capt. Ed responded to me in that other thread just after I posted the above. But these are both still better as Pit threads because no debate has been engaged, just rants.

John John, What do you mean he hasn’t said anything overtly racist yet? What about

in the OP?


John- "Ed, I think the reason you see more black on white crime is just because we are, in most cases, the “haves” and they are the
“have nots,” in most cases. "

Quite possibly true, but is it my fault they are the have-nots? No indeed. The US is giving minorities every possible advantage over white men, but they are still the have-nots. Consider that 70% of blacks born in the cities are illegitimate. Is that Whitey’s fault? These kids will grow up to be the (boo-hoo) have nots (WHaaa!). You need a father and a steady family environment to have a chance at being successful. I’ve been married to the same woman, a pennyless Coleen in Dublin when I met her, and we have raised 6 great kids tro adulthood. They are all what you would classify as “Haves”. When we married I was unemployed, and had $400 to my name, and an old Rambler.

These illegitimate kids do not know who their fathers are, so they do not know who their subbling are, no less their first cousins. This coupled with the fact that they all flock to free public housing, gives a great opportunity for inbreeding. The result is that the black gene pool is now ankle deep, and getting more shallow with each generation. Is that my fault? Negative!

Discriminating people discriminate

The following was posted over in GD at the very moment that David moved it.


Umm. . . Wrong point, kiddo. The point that was made in an earlier thread was that there are more white targets than black targets for crimes such as muggings. No one claimed that blacks commit more crimes against whites simply because blacks are poor.
Poverty is a big indicator for crime, but it is in no way the only indicator for crime. Confined in cities (where close proximity is also an indicator for crime–note the statements about crime among Irish and Italian immigrants in an earlier thread), there will be more blacks committing crimes. “Rednecks” (your term, not mine) do not tend to live in concentrated ghettoes and so one very large indicator for crime is removed from their population.

KM2, you have tried to plead your case in several threads. You grab random facts and apply meaning to them and neglect to look at the whole picture. This is Great Debates. You need to be able to put together a coherent argument, not some misplaced conjecture.

Captain Ed, you are now spamming this board with factoids from which you have been unable (apparently) to draw a genuine conclusion. Please pick one of your posts and put forth an actual discussion point and let the rest of your spam die. This is silly.

end of GD post

Captain Ed, I see you are now actually beginning to make specific points.

Unfortunately, they seem to fall into the same “O, woe is the poor downtrodden white man.” theme that I have seen in other places, picking individual factoids without demonstrating an understanding of the overall picture.

70% illegitimate? Well, American society as a whole is running at almost 50% “not married parents” so it isn’t all that surprising that the number would be higher among the group that has the highest history of births out of wedlock.

I’m still not sure what your point is. Do you fear that you are endangered because you are white? I certainly don’t. I am not sure how the fact that there are more white targets than black targets for crime has any effect on most of us. (It’s sort of like running with the herd: in a big group, the chances that some member of the group will get hit is high, but the chances of any individual being hit plunges. I suppose that we could invite most of the non-white world to move to the U.S. in the next few years so that whites would be outnumbered and the predators would go after the larger (non-white) group, but that doesn’t seem very practical.)


So Captain Ed, do you hate men too because they commit more crimes than women (86% of violent crimes as opposed to 14%)?

Tomndeb said " Umm. . . Wrong point, kiddo. The point that was made in an earlier thread was that there are more white targets than black targets for crimes such as muggings."

Anyone care to share the number of white on white crimes. It seems that we are looking at a very limited group of stats here. If the target theory holds true, there should be a lot more white on white crime than black on white since there are more white targets AND more poor whites. I would like to see the rates compared.

more importantly, since these were all violent crimes, how many involved robbery? IT is one thing if blacks are mugging whites. It is quite another if they are just beating them up for the hell of it.

And Mojo, men are more likely to commit violent crime, which many have pointed out. But no one is arguing that men commit crime because society makes them. Which is what, I think, Ed is trying to get at.

I don’t think anyone is trying to argue that society “makes them,” Mr. Z. I think what people are arguing is that there are (as with anything) underlying causes and indicators for crime that are statistically more likely to apply to blacks than to whites.

“It’s my considered opinion you’re all a bunch of sissies!”–Paul’s Grandfather

Well, pld, perhaps you are right. I may have read a bit into Ed’s posts. I don’t think we can divine a cause from the stats we have.

Though, there is the question on the table whether these results are the fault of the blacks themselves (as Ed is saying) or some other societal factor (such as disparity of wealth) that results in this statistic.

Of course, you know my position on those kinds of arguments.

Let me give one specific example of discrimination against white men, from my own personal experience.

We raised 4 sons and 2 daughters. Three of our son’s had eye problems that would preclude them from flying. Out #6 told me he wanted to be a pilot. We sent him to a good school in FL, Flight Safety Int’l., and put him through the private pilots course between his Junior and Senior year in HS, at a cost of $5,000.

He did very well. He finished HS at the top of his class, and was accepted for AFROTC. He finished again at the top of his class. (He’s a MENSAN BTW). During his course, he applied for flight training after graduation and commisioning. He was told that he fit in behind the women and minorities. First to be considered were minority women, then minority men, then you Whitey. When he asked how long it would take, he was told 8 years. He declined and took a desk job.

Two years later the AF begged him to re-apply, and told him he would be taken immediately. It seemed the black girls didn’t hack the program, nor did the other minority folks. I could have told them that. The USAF was running out of good pilots. He declined, and got out as a Captain USAF Reserve.

Political correctness is just tyranny with manners.
I wish for you the courage to be unpopular. Popularity is history’s pocket change. Courage is history’s true currency. Charleton Heston

Looking back at the original post, yet again, it seems more that this should fall under the debate on hate crime laws on a specific thread of whether or not whites are more likely to commit hate crimes than blacks.

Ed, care to narrow down what we are debating?. I can think of a hundered ways to go with those stats.

Tomnded You said “70% illegitimate? Well, American society as a whole is running at
almost 50% “not married parents” so it isn’t all that surprising that the number would be higher among the group that has the highest
history of births out of wedlock.”

I did a little more research here. The 10/29/93 Wall Street Journal carried an article by Charles Murray which, quoting government figures, puts black illegitimacy overall at 68%, and “…in excess of 80% in the cities.” White illegitimacy rate was listed as 22%.

Political correctness is just tyranny with manners.
I wish for you the courage to be unpopular. Popularity is history’s pocket change. Courage is history’s true currency. Charleton Heston