It goes like this - describe something in a certain number of words(e.g. explain how to make toast in exactly 52 words, or why is the matrix the best film ever in 4 words), then set the next challenge. You have to be coherent as possible.
If someone says “describe the colour of an apple in seven million words” feel free to decline their challenge.
Take a slice of bread. The slice needs to be heated to an extreme degree for a limited amount of time. This results in the outer surfaces of the bread becoming crisped and brown. When it is brown and crisped on both sides, it has metamorphosed into a substance known as “toast”.
Review the Matrix Reloaded in eight words.
(Dang, in order to play, I’d have to pick the best “foreign policy” simulpost – which is impossible, they’re all excellent. I’ll have to hang out and wait until the direction of the thread becomes clearer.)
Under capitalism, the free market redistributes the wealth according to supply and demand and one’s business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. Under communism, the state redistributes the wealth according to perceived need. Either way, you’re pretty much screwed.
Eventually it will be revealed that the performers we’ve seen on TV are all neutered clones and all the actual singing has been done by one short, ugly person in a backroom studio somewhere using a lot of vocal alteration.
Do I win some sort of prize for having one question answered the most times?
I’m a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here - Fame junkies are (unfortunately) rescued from the Australian jungle.
Describe your favorite conspiracy theory in five words.
Who really knows how the dinosaur age ended? Was is a giant comet? Starvation?? Maybe we should invent time-travel someday so that we can go back and see first-hand - the only way to be sure.
How do you bake German Chocolate Cake? Explain in 14 words.