The Mole 2: Final Analysis and Prediction Time

Okay, tomorrow it ends.

Who is the Mole?

Let’s run it down.

  1. Dorothy Oddly enough, the most damning evidence for her is the two times she really helped the team, not the times she hurt them. During the riddle game, she got the right answer for the math problem in only a minute. She also got the word “mistrustfulness” after they all failed. She also got the combination to the lock on the greenhouse without looking at the car odometer(which had the comb. on it). Last year, Kathryn did get help from the producers so she could help win the team money and throw the scent off her.

  2. Bill Bill broke the vase that had the exemption in it. I tend to think everyone knew the exemption was in the vase and he just happened to break it, but still. His most damning evidence is the two hidden clues that point to him. One is the telegram that had the hidden phone keypad message in it that read, “The Mole is Bill” and the other is the green text in the intro. two weeks ago that read, “Admiral”(which Bill was). These are very similar clues as we had last year, but just different enough to be real.

  3. Heather Heather just doesn’t seem like she could have made it this far without being the Mole. At the same time, she really hasn’t helped or hurt the team either way. She did lose the “chase game” twice and turned down an exemption, but I pretty much think that was meaningless. The fact that there is little evidence either way for her is probably the strongest evidence that she could be the Mole(like Kathryn last year).

I think the Mole is Bill. We learned in Mole 1 that you can’t really see the Mole’s sabotage 95% of the time. It’s usually behind the scene, only manifesting itself on the surface once in awhile(little enough so no one notices). The hidden clues they tell you to look for every week point to him. My question is the same as it has always been. If the Mole is not Bill, why were there clear hidden clues that pointed right to him? There were zero clues that pointed to other people and it would break the premise of the show for them to create hidden clues that point to the wrong person. Frankly, I want an explanation if Bill is not the Mole.

That, and the Mole was female last time. Male makes sense this time.

** Who wins?**

I tend to think Dorothy wins. She’s played the game just right the whole time and I believe she knows Bill is the mole. Of course, Heather knows Bill is the Mole as well, but I bet Dorothy will do better in the final quiz.

Lol. “clear hidden clues”- oxymoron? Well I know what you mean. Hidden clues that obviously point right to our boy Bill.

Yes, Bill is the mole, Paul is the walrus, and well…I can’t think of a third obvious statement, but he’s just the mole.

I’m pretty sure Dorothy will win. I downloaded the next (and last) quiz off, and it was chock full with esoteric information abaout the mole. I wouldn’t put it past her to slip Heather some wrong info. Though at this point their coalition is proably coming to a halt, but I’m sure she’ll do whatever she can to make sure she knows this random stuff but Heather doesn’t.

Can’t wait till tomorrow!

I don’t think Dorothy came up with the answers to the questions in the riddle game at the last minute. I think she had figured both of them out earlier and was waiting to see if the other two would come up with them. In fact, I think that was when she figured out who the Mole was.

Remember, when Elavia left it seems as if just about everyone thought she was the Mole except Dorothy, who was upset at her leaving. Dorothy knew Bill was the Mole by that point.

If she has been concentrating on Bill since then and keeping all the notes she can then she should be easily able to score better than Heather on the last quiz.

I think that is why she was able to stay in the roach cage last episode. She knows who the Mole is and knows she has the best shot at winning so she wanted the extra $100k for the pot.

So, Bill is the Mole. Dorothy wins the half-million.

Tomorrow’s not the last episode. The Mole, the winner, and the runner-up will be revealed next Tuesday, when they do the reunion show.

Oh, and Bill’s the Mole. :smiley:

You gotta be frelling kidding me. Last year, they showed both the final two episodes one day apart. I assumed they would do that this year as well. Oh well, gives us another week to discuss it.

You gotta be frelling kidding me. Last year, they showed both the final two episodes one day apart. I assumed they would do that this year as well. Oh well, gives us another week to discuss it.

Don’t forget about the clue when they were in St. Moritz. During one of the scene changes, they focused on several decorative motifs, one being a Pisces symbol. Bill is the only Pisces in the group, and way back then I said he was the mole. It was a classic clue for this show. If Bill is not the mole, then I too want an explanation.

OK, so if Bill is the mole, why did he give $100,000 to the group last night instead of looking at the Dossier? That wasn’t a very mole-ish thing to do. Huh? eh? hmmm…

Requisite spoiler alert. Don’t click if you don’t want the answer.

I reckon this page will clear up any remaining misconceptions people may have.

Haha. I knew it.

Unfortunately, there will be no suspense next week, except to find out who wins, and see if all the hidden clues people have found were true.

Then again, this could be a red herring. Kathryn said that she and the producers would read the ABC Mole boards and were surprised at all of the “clues” people were finding that weren’t clues at all (the actual clues turned out to be incredibly lame - I mean “Henry paid the PRICE” - how were we supposed to know Kathryn’s last name?). I’m sure they’re aware people were freeze-framing and posting screen grabs, so maybe they’re trying to trick us… hmmm…

He wants to look like he’s not the mole, perhaps. Plus being the mole, he wouldn’t need to know secret mole stuff- he’s guaranteed not to lose on the quiz.

This might not be a clue, but did you guys notice in the interview when he said, “I know who the mole is” and he thumped his chest for emphasis…okay kind of lame, but it’s the kind of thing that jumps out at you if you already think Bill is the mole.

The reunion will be fun, except we have to see Bob and Ali. :frowning: I just have a sort of loathing for Bob for some reason…Ali I’m not sure why I don’t want to see.

But I’ll get to see my baby-faced boy Rob again… ::swoon::

And I thought Bob was good-looking…

And I’m sure Katie will find something to start blubbering about… :smiley:

Bob?! I’ve only seen a picture of him…but he’s just got this clueless look on his face. I dunno. Not fond of him.

:slight_smile: I’m looking forward to seeing Rob again too. I wonder if they’ll all shun Patrick because of the diary incident. Oh, and good old dependable Myra. And the elusive Elavia.

I saw another “hidden clue” in this week’s opening credits.

The name BilL appears briefly in the letter scramble graphics

Controvert, you should click on Mullinator’s link. That wasn’t the only thing in the credits.

Bill really annoyed me in this episode when he quoted those statistics during the game. I could see Anderson was annoyed too. Bill reminded me of an ex-friend who would always explain his arguments using completely fabricated statistics and the reply, “Well, they should be real even if they aren’t.” Aaagh.

I’m suspecting Bill because he’s acting suspicious. I wondered why Dorothy didn’t seem as tired as she was with other athletic competitions, though. And I had no sympathy for Heather and her little fit she had halfway through the hiking game.

Also, I don’t want to look at Mullivator’s link; don’t want this to spoiled. No offense, Mull. :wink:

Okay, I’m bumping this up since this week actually is the final one.

I stick with everything in my OP, holding that if it is not Bill, the show tricked us by telling us to look for hidden clues(kind like breaking the rules within their own universe).

Here we go.

The Mole was Bill, Dorothy won, and Heather came in second. All of the Bill clues I’ve seen on websites were for real. It’s a bit anti-climactic.

And my boy Rob looked like crap. :frowning:

I couldn’t believe that Heather lost the quiz by ONE QUESTION! Did anyone else think it looked like Katie had lost some weight? I agree that it was a bit anti-climactic, but seeing the way Bill had sabotaged the games was great- very subtle. Especially the beer thing. GAH! I miss it already! :smiley: