The Most Flagrant Nutjob Of All Time

I feel more sympathy for him if some of this is true :

He actually seems a bit more lucid at that point, and apparently aware that his brain is physiologically messed up, which makes me wonder. The Roland Fissure, by the way, is the separation between the frontal & parietal lobes. (I’m not a doctor, and this is in no way a diagnosis of anything.)

Yes, more lucid. For him, blaming Satan is more lucid.

Too bad that this guy doesn’t know how to write. Just glancing over his site made think of parallels with PK Dick.

No shit! I kept waiting to read, “I saw the Gimp catch one in Philly. We rigged his room with a one-way whorehouse mirror and charged a sawski to watch it. He never got the needle out of his arm. They don’t if the shot is right. That’s the way they find them, dropper full of clotted blood hanging out of a blue arm. The look in his eyes when it hit–Kid, it was tasty…”

It’s like a koala crapped a rainbow on my brain!

HA! That’s the quote I was looking for in this thread!

Thanks, kasuo

Its almost as bad as Uh huh…the world is controlled by interdimensional half-reptile shapeshifting vampiric aliens, all with from the same family (going as far back as the Egyptian Empire). Go ahead, pull the other leg now! At least the guy in the OP hasn’t been published yet.

As for why Icke’s not going to be on the road anymore:

Or maybe, just maybe, you’re tired of being laughed at?

Actually, he’s worse than Icke. Icke is crazier than a shithouse rat, but at least his sentence structure makes sense. This guy just says random crap.

Did someone submit this guy to Crank Dot Net, or is he already there? I love that site!

I say he would fit a rather interesting diagnostic for schizophrenia, and that I hope he isn’t living alone.

I wonder if he has ever seen a psychiatrist.

Ahhh. I see. You’re allowed to be ill, just don’t do it in public.

I guess being mentally ill isn’t a hindrance to knowing that you should not publish on the internet. :rolleyes:

Do we get to poke fun at him in the street too? After all, he shouldn’t be out in public, makes him fair game.

Sure, if someone insane is wandering around in public, I’d mock him. I mock everyone, why does he deserve an exemption? Lighten up.

Futile Gesture, I personally think the whole thing’s a farce, hence my reference to his requests for money. I don’t think there’s the least bit of mental illness involved but if I did then we’d be in agreement - not a mocking circumstance.