The Nerdity Test

Good point.


I thought I was way nerdier than that.

Pfft. Only 56.4%. I used to score better on that… sigh

NEWS BREAK/Scoring Alert
All of the below are reporting 32.4 scores. If you look you will see 32.4 is the average on the results. It is possible you missed the actual score.
Rufus Xavier
Beware of Doug
Sage Rat
The Sausage Creature

**The Results layout is **
Nerdity Quotient: 47.6% (238/500)

Closet Nerd

Average score: 32.4%

(Yes, I realize this post probably raises my score)

Yep, I mistook the average score for my actual score. I caught this myself just after I posted, but since my actual score was 31.8, I decided not to re-post. Now, however, you have forced me to reveal the shameful truth: I’m not even as geeky as I said I was! :Sobbing Smilie:

32.4%, which is exactly what I’d expected, or near enough.

20.4% (102/500)

Only 43.4%. But, since it is a bit out of date, I would proably get cloer to a 60% I’m asssuming on a current one, that would have to incorperate things like MMORPG’s, owning multiple game systems, and a catagory for computer modding.

Has anyone under 30 built a computer from the chips up?

39.2 196/500

I highly doubt it. I don’t think it’s even possible anymore. The closet I came is making simple logic devices. Little NAND, NOR, and what have you gates.

28%, but I was never a math/science person at all. Now Star Trek, that’s my thing. I’m more of a geek than a nerd, I think.

My SO, on the other hand, considered majoring in math. He’s kinda nerdy. Nerdy guys are HOT.

38% here. And I was called a nerd in the past week. Come to think of it, just about all my nerdiness is a product of you guys… It was the monorail cat array that did it I think.

I rank a surprisingly low 31.8%

Oh for the days of yesteryear when I could remember all those constants and acronyms…and when my IQ was actually larger than my weight…sigh. I am getting less nerdy as I age, does that mean I am getting better at socializing?? Inversely proportional traits???

Ditto (on both my “specialty” and my percentage).

38.8% How could this have happened!? I’m much nerdier than that! :eek: :confused: :frowning: :mad: :cool:


Considering I work for a software company and spend all day in front of a computer, that is lower than I expected. I guess I’ve forgotten all the constants that I used to know in college plus I scored almost zero on the pop culture/sci fi stuff.

43%. Some stuff I couldn’t answer though, I’m still in highschool and haven’t been to college yet. That test really does need an update…

Ah. That’s better. 46.2% Nerd. :slight_smile:

I learned 400 to 700, but it said that +/-10% was good enough. I honestly had no idea how big an Angstrom was (except “very small”). It’s totally not my area of expertise.

I say we dopers should update the test. Someone start a thread (or I’ll do it in a few days when I have time).