The new Straight Dope administrator ...


Good news! Thanks for taking the job.

God help you. Er, I mean … Congratulations? That doesn’t feel like the right word. What’s that word you say when your toddler wants to “play with the puppies” but you know the puppies are a pack of rabid wolves? That’s the word I’m looking for.

Mazel tov?

I’ll bet Lynn Bodoni is smiling from where ever she is.

I know I am.

  1. I can’t think of a better person for the job.
  2. I can’t believe you were sober when you accepted the job.
  3. I am picturing you playing your tuba. And wearing a mortar board.

I assume whoever gave you the news had a square of black cloth on his/her head and said, “You are the new SDMB administrator, and may God have mercy on your soul.” :smiley:

Seriously, congrats and good luck.


“Amazing Grace” on tubas… might be strangely appropriate… and I’m sure that strange is just the start of it.

Remember to laugh often. Congrats, congrats, congratulations!

I, for one, welcome our new TubaDiva overlord.

Not that I’m alone in this regard. Natch!

No, it’s Oom-pah Oom-pah Oom-pah !! :smiley:

Oh, I miss Lynn and her mighty moderator sword and her kitties.

Thank you, Gus, and everyone else with such good things to say. If you got my back I know we can win.

While I’m waiting for that arrangement to come in … Down in the River to Pray - YouTube

Tuba, you have been wonderful over the years. I am sure you will continue being awesome.

Congratulations. So do we call you Cecil, or Ed Zotti?

A kind email from TubaDiva (I forget exactly why she sent it; it had something to do with a submission I made to Weird Earl’s) was what convinced me to brave the Straight Dope Message Board, way back in 2005. So, yay TubaDiva! All the best to you.

[SIZE=“1”]And let me take this opportunity to admit that it was probably 5-10 years before I fully grasped that your name is “TubaDiva” and not “TubaDiver.” To me, you’ll always be diving into tubas. In a good way, of course.[/SIZE]

  1. How much are they paying you? Cheapskates.
  2. You still have an AOL email address? ??

Okay, that’s my requisite harassment. Good luck with this mess!

You got that right!

I can be bought. (Well, I can be rented. Reasonable rates. Talk to me, I give good work and could use the bux.)

You know why I’ve kept that AOL address for all these years? I’ll tell you: I was on my way to cancel my AOL trial membership in June of 1996 … and as I signed into the site, a flashing note on the front page caught my eye:


Now, I had the first Straight Dope book; I had read it and was impressed. When I originally read the book I had just moved to New York City and I thought, “That’s EXACTLY the kind of friend I want to have here, the sort of people I want to hang with.”

So when I saw that flashing pane, I instantly forgot all about canceling and clicked on the pane.

Which took me to a page with a few paragraphs of text … and a portal to a chat room. And I sat in that chat room until Ed Zotti showed up.

There were other people in that room with me … one of them was the force of nature I would later learn was Jillgat. :smiley:

Zotti rounded up everybody in the chat room and those people were the first chat hosts. And later on became message board moderators. And members of The Straight Dope Science Advisory Board.

And the rest … you know.

Man, it’s so lonely at the top of Olympus though.

Thanks Jenny!