The PermaPit "FOX News is full of s***" Thread

The bad news is that next week, it’s your turn in the barrel.


I find Fox News amusing and their ‘honest’ viewers that I know personally are hilariously stupid. My co-workers took a few months to figure out how I always knew beforehand what the village (office) idiot was going to irrationally whine about. For me, it’s another form of entertainment.

They need some new tricks. I’m tired of them using the same old ones over and over…


“This afternoon, Fox News host Gregg Jarrett proudly announced that Sarah Palin is “continuing to draw huge crowds while she’s promoting her brand new book. Take a look at — these are some of the pictures just coming into us.” But the pictures that the network chose to display on-air appeared to be old file footage of Palin rallies from the 2008 presidential campaign.”

I’ll bet a dollar they even re-use Hannity’s tired old excuse, in spite of the part I bolded.

I’m sure it was an inadvertent mistake. The footage just happened to fall into that piece.

Only a matter of time before they use stock footage of Woodstock during a report on a Tea Party and **Starving Artist’s **head explodes. :wink:

Fox, the inadvertent News Network.

Fox, the Dada News Network.



So today they made another “mistake” by showing the wrong Palin book when talking about her.

I call shenanigans.

Cynical, jaded shenanigans, but shenanigans nonetheless.

How convenient that right after getting busted two or three times in a row pulling deliberate bullshit, how after a long pattern of “mistakes” that are so one-sided, they OOPS-Y-DASIES show the wrong cover. The “see, we’re not evil, we’re just incompetent” excuse is about as accurate as a Palin speech fact-checked by Al Gore.


Everybody grab your broom!

I’d have less difficulty believing they were merely incompetent if there was one mistake they made where the result wasn’t trying to cover up for Republicans and shift the blame to Democrats whenever possible.

Republican politician caught in a scandal? “Accidentally” label him as D!
Turnout for a conservative shindig not so hot? “Accidentally” splice in footage from a more popular shindig!
Conservative public figure’s book found to be full of falsehoods? “Accidentally” show another book that mocks the first one!

That’s one the funniest mistakes they’ve made. Why did they even have that graphic handy?

I don’t think it was any more of a mistake than the others; that’s why I’m calling shenanigans.

I think someone in marketing noticed that the wider public was becoming aware of the long-term pattern of so-called mistakes favouring Republicans. I think this was an intentional move to counter that burgeoning awareness, so they can feign innocence by proclaiming “see, we screwed up with our Media Darling, there’s no pattern!”

I’d go so far as to say they brainstormed for a while before choosing this particular item. The “accident” was a book written by Meanie Meanistern of them libs, and the cover is very close to the original. Not like they superimposed her face over a steaming pile of shit (thanks Colbert).

Could it have been a real mistake? Sure. But I think those are some very long odds.

Since Palin has been threatening to sue those meanies who wrote the parody book, I would hazard a guess that it was a fake “mistake” designed to help her bolster a case that the two books could be “confused.”

That would be an incredibly pathetic and obsequious thing for Fox to do on her behalf, but it’s not like that’s an argument against it being possible.

Actually, wouldn’t that be an argument for it being probable?

Why would they care? There’s no penalty for being ‘caught’. Their core viewers will believe them pretty much no matter what. Everyone else already thinks they are a bad joke.

Keeping up pretenses? Wholly abandoning them would likely lead to a drop in viewers, and certainly fewer new ones.

Unfortunately, I don’t agree that “Everyone else already thinks they are a bad joke.”

“The Special Olympics is to winners what FOX News is to experts-if you show up, you are one.”-Jon Stewart

This is not really a surprise. For years, Fox inadvertently had liberal Alan Colmes on the Hannity show. Never noticed.

Possibly because nobody could see him over the coiffure of whatever Republican strategist was sucking off Hannity that day.

They had Colmes on the basis of image, nothing else. Colmes was the perfect embodiment of the favorite conservative archetype, the pencil-necked liberal weenie, not so much effeminate as effete, kind of guy, never went fishing, and if he did he took a book, rather than a six pack. It was Point/Counterpoint with Vin Diesel and Andy Dick.