The SDMB Peerage Registry... Get Your Title From Fairy Princess Kitty

squeakles Zenster, honey, baby, sweetie, darling… aren’t you supposed to warn the victim, er I mean recipient of the punishment before doling it out? sighs Oh well, I guess I should start with the handing out of titles shouldn’t I? Well firstI hand out my list of warnings…
I’m new here, kind of, so I don’t know many of you, if the title is wildly inappropriate, well I’m a princess, I can do whatever I want.
I’m going to do this in no particular order, you can’t force creativity, so don’t feel bd about how I list you all or what titles I give you.
The title you recieve isn’t actually based on the rank in an actual feudal system, I just think different things sound pretty.
Alright those are my warnings, everybody still okay with that? Then I’ll continue with the ceremonies. I’ll be back in a little bit with all my ceremonial regalia… stuff, yeah.


Mauvaise, I grant thee the title of Grand Duchess and Protector of the Mystical (possibly Mythical) Last Word

Arden Ranger, I bestow upon you the title of Countess of All Things Jello and Regulation G-Strings.

Alright, I’ll be back with more later.


:: smooches Kitty :: Perfect, I will include it in my sig immediately :slight_smile:

Fairy Princess, since you’ve finally arrived, may I have a title? Kitty pl – I mean pretty please? :slight_smile:

ooooohhhhhhhhh me too please. I would love to have the opportunity to wear my tiara more often. An elven princess perhaps??
Or just a goddess would do

::Stands in line patiently::

Me too please!

Hi, Kitty!


Mauvaise, I’m very glad you liked your title, I do so try to please.

JuanDeCuba, porque eres un poco especial, te nombro el Principe Azul del Pais de Maravillas.
(If you need help with that ask a native speaker and think fairy tales/Disney)

Baloo, kneel please, plying with the big pretty sword she taps it on both his shoulders I knight thee Sir Baloo, Knight of Dopers Who Step into Line like Lemmings and Bring Memories of the Jungle Book.

JavaMaven1, I bestow upon you the title of Countess of All Things Addictive that Keep the World Up at Night and of Missing Left Socks.
(Well she did tell me to sock it to her)

Balance, through your heroic(yeah heroic sounds nice) deeds, you have earned the title of Baron of Little Jewish Smilies and Vertigo.
(Don’t ask, I just like the word)


You know, I don’t have an appropriate sig. Let me throw my name in the pot!

Hey, how 'bout me?
( V Or him V )

Yay! She’s made some appearances!

I’m sure she’s in bed right now, though…


I will be soon, too…

Can I have a title, too, FairyPrincessKitty? Can I, huh, can I, huh, huh, can I?

Give me one.
I too have never had a title bestowed onto me.

Sure, I’ll take another title (but make it something that sounds good alongside Future Emporer of the Universe).

Can I be a princess too? Or a Duke. Yeah, a duke would be cool.

Fairy Princess Kitty, Can I be one too? Please? Thank you. ~Lisa

May I join the Peerage, too?

I’m up for one. That is, if you can think of one appropriate!

Hmmm…I’ve always wanted a title too, other than ‘Royal Pain in the Ass’.

If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, Kitty.

oh, oh, I want one! I’m already a “Lady” on another board, can I get an upgrade, pretty please, Ms. Most Beautiful and Talented Fairy Princess Kitty?