The Shield: Season 4: Episode 11 (Unboxed Spoilers)

A link to episode 10 is here

Antwoine is going away, but I’m sure he will have plenty of reach from the inside.

I’m sure that this polygraph business is going to trip up either Shane or Army, I’m guessing Army at this point.

I am still very interested in seeing the Dutch and Corrine story line pick up again. I also want to know what has happened with that money train cash that Vic gave her.

I’m kinda bummed that Aceveda came back to the “good” side so quickly and without major incident. I wouldn’t be suprised to see that hooker showing up in his life sometime soon though, she definitely looked pissed when he got rid of her.


Half-way through. I was almost expecting Army to be taken out by the team, ala the pilot episode.

Though, that may be because I finally got around to buying Season 1, which I had never seen, and watching the first couple of episodes in the past two days :slight_smile:

Good for you, season one is incredible.

A lot of plot advancement in this episode, I thought.

Vic finds out about Dutch and Corrine, and doesn’t react at all like I expected him to. Corrine cuts off Dutch because of what Vic says though. I expect that to change soon enough.

Russians are involved? Hmmm… Looks like it won’t be long before the Armenian Money Train is brought up again.

Aceveda is backing Captain Rawlings, but not enough for her. I don’t really see much happening here.

Army is an asshole! This is going to cause a ton of problems with the community and for the strike team. I don’t know what is going to happen, but Army is going down soon.

Looks like the boys are back!

Army, Army, Army…
Like they said, he’s selfishly, and needlessly, screwing the whole precinct.

I’m glad they caught the cop murderers and the confession was chilling.

IMO, Glenn Close is doing a tremendous job. I had my doubts at first but consider them killed.

Vic’s helping the H-cutter with the tiny 4 y/o was sweet.

Lots of funny parts in this ep, too:
Vic knocking over Dutchboy’s coffee cup made me giggle;
Shane’s ‘winning smile’ warrant;
Shane’s “Can you hear me now?” to Weed;
even the carwash cop’s weak cowardly begging was kind of funny. Dutch’s and Claudette’s eyes were shooting knives and made ME squirm.

I thought for sure my prediction about the death of Billings, a disposable character like Army (and Tevon before them), would come true. He’s right though; he was outnumbered and outgunned. There wasn’t too much he could do, although he should have gotten on his cell phone to 911 right away.

From the previews…Jeez, can they make Aceveda seem like ANY more of a smarmy, vindictive asshole than they have already?

Well, he is a smarmy, vindictive asshole.

Only two episodes left. The season when by fast! I guess that happens when you (a)only have 13 episodes and (b)don’t pre-empt or show reruns every other week.

I’m guessing the shows are ‘in the can’, so how do things with Captain Rawlings end, given that Glenn Close has chosen not to return for another season? Speculation, anyone?

Mea culpa.
The season went by fast.

I stopped watching a bit, and caught the last three episodes in the last three days. whew
That is some stress.

What I want to know is, if Army failed the polygraph, wouldn’t that screw everyone just as well? or just himself?

Maybe it’s because I watched these three episodes so quickly, but Shane’s turnaround is pretty damn quick, no? I’m waiting for Mara to stick her nose back into his business again.

Shane went from the brink of destruction to back on the team, so he is more than willing to fit in with the guys again, I’m sure. He’s the same old Shane from the first three seasons.

I didn’t know that Glenn Close had already decided not to come back for next season, that is very interesting. I can’t imagine them killing off her character, but she does live in the 'hood, and she has pissed off a lot of people. I feel it is more likely that she will be fired for refusing to compromise on her policies.

I’m also a little dissapointed that the Dutch and Corrine relationship didn’t last longer. I hope that it picks back up again, because that sets up great scenes between Vic and Dutch.

Only two shows left, and I’m betting the bank on the money train connection being brought back into play. Nothing better than Russians cutting off people’s feet.

Not much speculation needed. She gave the chief an ultimatum: either the seizure program stays the way she wants it, or he can fire her. Since the chief is starting to resemble President Wussy, …