I went to Best Buy last night to get a new digital camera, and I brought my old one, just in case. After BB, I went to a friend’s house and ordered a pizza, and as I’m emptying my pockets, I realize that among two digital cameras and a cell phone, I was carrying around about $500 of electronics. Of course, normally, I don’t carry two cameras, so here’s what I typically have:
Digital Camera: $216
Cell phone: $100
CD player: $60
~20 CDs: $300, give or take
Total: $676
Good God.
So, how many expensive things do you carry around typically? Not counting the basic stuff (wallet, keys, pocket knife) unless they’re especially valuable.
This has occurred to me before. Apart from my keys and purse (which never has more more than £30 in it) I carry my mobile (which is a camera phone) and an mp3 player. It’s a total of about £300, which worries me, but what can you do? The things are there to be used.
-My custom messenger bag: $180
-Wallet: usually about $20 because I hate writing checks and I can’t get a debit card yet because I’m not 18.
-Fossil watch: $50
-Digital camera: I don’t really know what it cost, because it was a gift, but I’d guess a couple hundred.
-My class ring: $170
Glucometer: I got it for free, but it’s worth $81.72, the internet tells me.
Test strips: about $25
Glucagon: I’ve no idea what it’s worth, but at least $25
Four or five rings: $150 -$200, but worth waaay more in sentiment (depends on if I’m wearing my class ring)
Misc. jewelry: $25
Cash: $10-$70
Total: $316.72, using some estimated averages for the ones with a range
Once you add in the cost of what it would take to replace my IDs, bus pass and other plastic things, it probably goes to about $400-$425
Well, there’s my bookbag, calculator, and a couple hundred dollars worth of books, though I can’t imagine anybody would mug me for any of that. Pocket change. I used to carry a pretty expensive camera around with me. That’s about it, really. I don’t even carry a wallet most days.
I seldom carry anything worth much but often carry cash. I deal with lots of cash in my business (slumlord, not drug dealer). Depending upon the time of day and the day of them month I’m carrying about 500 to 5000 bucks. I usually go straight to the bank though, sometimes I make 2 or 3 trips per day.
My wife wears lots of jewlery so her numbers are about the same. Assuming jewlery has any ‘worth’, but thats another topic.
I wish I carried my camera around with me - I bought a small camera so I would, but I never do. I’ve missed out on some great pictures.
Jewelry (necklace and ring) - together around $1200
Wallet - fairly beaten up now, but retailed for a little over $400
Money - $20 - 100
Mobile - $100?
Bag - depending on the day, anywhere from $2 to $1200
Clothes - maybe $200?
Huh. Most of my money seems to have gone into clothes and accessories.
I think I carry less than 30 bucks in total value. That includes my clothes (Levis, white tshirt guy), Keys, no cash ever, Debit card, Drivers Liscence, and Lighter/Smokes.
Will you adopt me?
Hmmm, I had my purse stolen a while back, and the most expensive thing to replace was my car key. Re-keying the car (replacing ignition and 3 locks) cost me over 700USD. Ouch.
Nobody here wears prescription glasses? On a normal day, they are by far the most expensive-to-replace item I carry on me, unless I happen to be wearing a ring my grandparents gave me. (I don’t wear glasses most of the time unless I’m doing a long stint reading or on the computer, but they would cost a couple hundred bucks to replace, not counting eye exam.)