The summer that never happened

It’s snowing.

In June.

Thunder snow.


We’ve seen snow 5 out of ten days this month. A little bit is OK and expected. I’ve seen snow every month of the year hear. But not nearly every day in the SUMMER.

Yeah, I live at a real high altitude. But June is when the snow is supposed to be pretty much melted.

I’m having a guy drop by my house to bid on some deck work this afternoon. Bleah. It’s a mess outside now. It’s hard enough to get stuff done in the short summer. This is getting silly.

Oh great, the satelite dish is going out because of build up. There goes the TV.

Yea, my friends in Leadville just posted on their Facebook about the snow. Sorry about that, dude. On the other hand - you live in a fabulously gorgeous place :slight_smile:


I only wish it were snowing here. I hate the heat! (OK, I hate the snow too, but I do like cooler weather.)

In Oakland we are having the same problem. It has been mid-60s, mostly cloudy, and getting down into the low 50s at night for fuckin WEEKS. Where’s my summer? My tomatoes are a-sufferin’!

See now that is weather I could appreciate. It was hot and steamy already at 6:45 this morning when I was out for my walk.

June frosts in Canada…here in NE, its been highs in the 50’s! Rain and fog.
My lotus isn’t growing because it has been too cold.
It must be all them carbon credits Al Gore has been selling!

It has been in the mid 90s here for over a week or so. That is quite cool for this time of year. June is the time of year when the 120 degree days are supposed to be here.

I’ve been going for the it’s dramatic-it’s beautiful anyway-it’ll be over soon approach, but the snow actually accumulating on my car this morning was too much. I’m officially over this weather.

Planted flowers on Sunday (what was I thinking?) while Mr Alpine built a cold frame to cover them. They’re not dead… yet… but we can’t enjoy them while covered with a huge plastic contraption, either.

Waah. There. I’ve said it. WAAAAH!

A week ago Sunday we were out driving and got lost in a snowstorm in central Ontario. Just sayin’…

It’s rained virtually every day here for over a week. While I welcome the moisture, I’m getting damned tired of it being so cloudy. I think somebody mixed our weather (mountains, but at about half the altitude enipla is at) up with Seattle’s or something.

The other morning when I got up for work it was right about freezing. In June. Even here, that’s worthy of a WTF? Not that I’m going to turn my heat back on. No way.

Global warming, eh? Ch’yeah right!

It’s been a shitty, cold spring thus far in Ottawa. Last summer was a write-off. We had an almost record snow fall two winters ago.

I’m sorry if the few years in the late 80s to late 90s were warmer than usual, but since then: shitty weather. I’m seriously getting depressed with this shit.

I did the mouseover and then clicked in to see if the OP was in Australia.

We got almost no rain in April, a touch in May, and now June is here and it’s been raining so much I haven’t had to water the lawn once this month.

I live in a place where in years past we can expect less than an 1" of rain from June-August.

It’s weird. But it is nice to not have to drag hoses around the yard.

You’re in Northern Nevada, aren’t you?

We get just over 7" of precipitation in an average year, and most of that falls as snow December-February. Average rainfall in June is 0.4", and my rain gauge last week was clocking in more than an inch. And where did the friggin’ sun go?

Might as well move back to upstate New York.

We’re having a very cold snap here at the moment, and snow has been falling across the state.

I guess you can take some small comfort in the fact that technically, it’s still Spring.

When is Summer usually where you live? It’s still officially Spring here, in London.

Last Summer in London was the one that never happened. There was some early sunshine at Easter, and from then on it just rained or was grey for months. The trees and plants round here didn’t go into Summer mode.It is depressing to have crap weather when you’re expecting weather that’s at least OK, colourful blooms, etc, after a long Winter.

People expect sun in London?!

Checking in from Calgary here, another high altitude-close to the mountains location. Snowed last Saturday for about 8 hours, but there was very little accumulation. We have our tomato plants in small planters so we could chuck them into the garage. They just came out today because we’ve had frost warnings up until today.

Here’s a hearty WTF?! from Canada. We’re used to frost until the May long weekend (third weekend), then we’re supposed to be able to leave the plants outside at night without their little parkas.

Are we having La Nina this year?

Edit: apparently we are.