Okay, I admit it. I succumbed to the trainwreck watcher’s mentality on this one. But damn…
First, Tammy Faye. I LIKE Tammy Faye. She’s mellowed out, toned down and gotten pretty cool since she dumped Bakker. She seems like someone I’d actually like to know in real life. Yes, she’s a little bit prissy about some things, but really no more than the average 50+ year old woman who’s spent most of her life in evangelical Christianity. And she doesn’t seem to really look down on most of her housemates like you’d expect someone so deeply Christian to.
Second, Trishell. Who? I understand she was on The Real World: Ho Vegas…er, Las Vegas. I expected to hate her as a prime example of empty-headed television fame-chasing-via-being-as-nastily-slutty-as-possible. She actually seemed pretty real, if a little bit of a lush. Of course, her battle with Spoiled Ego-Bitch (see below) helped me like her better.
Robby Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice. Someone get this man some lithium, please. One minute he’s so eager to put his old bad-boy rap image behind him, and the next he’s pitching hissy-fits in the middle of a farmer’s market because it’s not Shop ‘n’ Save. And the mooning? If I had gone my entire life without seeing Vanilla Ice’s ass, I could have died quite happy.
Erik Estrada and Ron Jeremy. I LIKE these guys. They’re has-beens, and they know and accept it. They’re mellow. They’re over themselves. They’re nice guys. Amazing! And both of them are very, very sharp with the wisecracks. I’m enjoying this mini-buddy-movie…
Oh, last, and oh so least…the psycho spoiled ego-bitch herself, Traci Bingham. Who? Oh, a Babewatch bikini-filler. She was on a jigglefest television series. And a number of z-list movies. Her career isn’t exactly impressive. And yet, she’s upset because the house isn’t what she’s “accustomed” to? She won’t bathe in the bathtub because it’s the wrong color? She doesn’t even spend the day with the rest of the housemates…is she shooting another Playboy spread? This woman needs a reality check, and fast…her “career” consists mostly of third-tier films, jiggle movies, shows ABOUT Baywatch, and guest spots where she plays such highlights of the theatrical genre as “Porn Star #7”. Please…
All in all, interesting, if banal. Upcoming events look…well, surreal.