The Ultimate Straight Dope Art Thread


I dedicate this thread to the delightful spectrum of people* at these boards.

Please contribute quality art that you deem of interest.

  • Yeah, you too Silent_Bob!

Oh dear G-d, and I thought I was bored.

Here’s some nice stuff if you’re into changing your desktop every twenty minutes like I am.

Just for you Magdelene. IMHO, you are a really sweet person!

:quietly humming the theme of “Pictures at an Exhibition”:

dah dah dahhh, dah-duh dah, dah-duh dah, da dah dah dahhhhh.

:pays museum admission fee:
:rents self-guided audio tour at main desk:
:picks up overpriced souvenir guide:
:quick stop at lavatory:
:enters exhibition hall:
:flirts with security guard on duty:

Is it just me or is anybody else getting weird interference pattern things happening with that rainbow. I feel dizzy.

And it make sense of that ATMB thread.

So that’s how his post count goes up so fast…

Each of these creations take hours. I could do dozens of “smash and grab” posts in the time it takes to put together one of these monsters.

Enter > :):):):p:):):):):p:):):):):):):):):):):):stuck_out_tongue:



Zen: That’s sweet! I especially like the way the smilies progress from angry to questioning on the spectrum of the rainbow. Muy bonita!

Well, that will teach me to trust the preview. Shoulda test drove that one over at my worthless thread!!!

Vot a pisser!!!

Electron, electron. My kingdom for an electron.

There is no way I have even close to the patience it would take to put that kind of thing together.

Zenster, I’ve never been happy with your canonization. I hereby make you Patron Saint of Smiley Art.

[Zachary Smith]


[/Zachary Smith]
Please refer to this thread before you doom me to your otherwise entirely beneficent designation.

By all that is worthy upon this planet, please allow me to remain the benefactor of recipes.

::gets up off of bruised and bledding knees::


Oh, I was browsing the “About this Board” forum and saw your test posts. That’s what I was refering to. Nothing implying that there was any substandard posting going on, mind you. :slight_smile:


Well, that’s a good 35 minutes of my life I’m not getting back. He’s off center, BTW, but then, most Jews are. :cool:

Right on Enderw23! Thank you for contributing the first piece of “outside” art to the SD Art Gallery. How ironic that my last post was over at the Lest We Forget thread.

To see the last two submissions in their intended form, hit reply and scan down until the earlier posts scroll by. You will see Enderw23’s art and my maze in their correct configurations.

Ok, Ok, I take it back. ::grumbletrytobenicegrumble::