The unflattering photo thread.

Okay, so we’ve seen the “hot” photos of all the dopers. You know the ones I’m talking about. That photo you always show to people cause you think it’s the best one.

But what about the faces of members when life happens? The times when you’re caught unsuspecting or unready? When even when you pose halfway decent, something looks just so horrible in it.

I’m talking about photos where you accidently blink. I’m talking about photos where you have a really cheesy or stupid smile on your face. I’m talking about photos where you might have unknowingly had a booger caught on the end of your nose.

I’m talking about photos like this one.

This one is pretty unflattering. I cut my hair myself. I look fifty.

This one I took post-facial surgery. It doesn’t even begin to show the spirit of chipmunk that possessed me for many months. I was also really stoned on painkillers, the shiny spot on my chin is drool.

Are you kidding? You’re cute! Adorable little scrunchy face. hehehe

Er, sorry.

If you want to see unflattering, … well, I should warn you. Do not click this link if you are weak-stomached, weak-kneed, frail-leggéd, or have a history of screaming in terror:

As far as I know this is the only picture of me on the Internet.

Of course no mortal may dare behold my face and live.

Now see, I find the red glowing devil eyes quite captivating! Gives you that “I’m a rebel” look.

I’ll have to look around for a suitable photo. The choices are damn near infinite.

I swear I’m better looking than this poorly lit picture, showing off my then-new guitar.

I think MEBuckner is the one with his back to the camera.

Now see, I find the red glowing devil eyes quite captivating! Gives you that “I’m a rebel” look.

I’ll have to look around for a suitable photo. The choices are damn near infinite.

Damn. Nevermind.

Wow, I am the focus of that picture. Yikes!

It’s only fair to mention that my eyes actually do glow like that. All of the time, really.

No offense or anything,but I think this picture really captures the spirit of the thread. It’s not hideous or anything, but one can kind of tell you were totally not expecting it to be unflattering and it just was. No faces, no surgery - it just got you it the wrong second is all.

Yeah, I have to agree with you as well, Caricci

This is me looking not all there. I have that adorable :rolleyes: double chin I get when I smile.This isn’t good, either.

I’ll post the one I was forced to post in the other thread, it being the only one I have online - why, yes, I do look like a wanted poster . (The symbols are there because it’s my train pass)

Bah, clearly my Amazing Glowing Jacket is the focus of that picture!

The A.G.J. is also quite useful for warding off the hordes of red-eyed demon people.

Good thing I don’t embarass easily.
Pay no attention to the cute puppies.

Here is a picture of me doing an impersonation of my roommate. That’s his Cubs hat that I’m wearing. I’m sure I have much worse pictures around here somewhere, so maybe I’ll return with more…

Wait, I found another one.

Bleargh. I think I was drunk.