"The world's goin' to hell but I'm still here" MMP

Up from napping, making Redneck stir fry for dinner, and watching yesterday’s F1 race.

: quietly pets puppy :

If you have cleanup duty at Taco Bell, you bet your sweet bippy it is!

This is why I put up with the furniture eating.

Howdy Y’all! Da cave got spiffed. We lounged and slothed. Sup got et. That’s about it for the day. We are exceptional at bein’ retired drains on society!

They predicted rain tonight, and boy howdy were they accurate. It’s flippin’ pouring out there.

So I’m listening to the rain, accepting Monkey jumping in & out of my lap, and trying to figure out what sounds good for dinner.

SIL is to do several weeks of PT before knee surgery. Timing will run into baby arrival, perhaps. Next month will be interesting. Maybe he and FCD will share a hospital room… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This stoopit tablet keeps changing FCD to FWD.

Also the appropriate ad for today:

Had the last of the chicken and biscuits fer dinner. Now tensely watching the Sox game.

Mooom Yes, definitely have SIL do the PT. Having had many knee/ankle surgeries, having the legs in good shape prior is really good. I’ve done an ACL, meniscus, 2 achilles, and several go in and clean out scar tissue procedures, so I’m speaking from experience.

shoe Skritches to Monkey.

My favorite brewery just got in a bunch of locally-made hot sauces and relishes. I bought the first ones this afternoon while enjoying a couple of pints of a very good Special Bitter. Actually had to wait while they entered the codes into the cash register database so it would know they have something new to sell. Tonight’s cheeseburger was SPICY!

They predicted a brief bit of rain this evening. They were wrong. It was a brief bit of hail. Twice. Lasted all of 15 minutes but it was a very noisy 15 minutes. Tango was a bit freaked, but the others were calm so he mellowed.

TWO people at the gym today had masks below their noses. I used my teacher voice and said, “Mask goes over the nose!” as I passed each. One merely scowled at me. The other pulled his up one millimeter. If I don’t show up here, check for headline: “Washington Woman Clocked with Barbell.” I need to bring @JaneDoe42 up here.

I’m worried about my sister. She’s morbidly obese and has VERY swollen ankles. The cardiologist doubled her Lasix dosage. If she’s not better in a week, he’ll run tests. I’ve suspected for some time her heart may be the culprit, but when I’ve asked why she’s on a diuretic, she’s said it’s because she’s an old lady and firmly changed the subject. (She has high BP as well, but apparently is not diabetic.)

Green Thumb Mumpers: My spider plant has easily a half-dozen babies hanging off her, and that’s after a friend took 6 of them. I already have an avocado plant I didn’t want, and I the idea of spider plants have spider plants having spider plants makes me feel like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The mama is VERY healthy. Should I remove the stalks with young’uns? Would that help the mama? Or just remove the spiderettes? Help.

Have a happy evening, everyone, and sweet dreams.

George is none the worse for wear. He came home hungry, but the vet said we could only give him small amounts of food at a time and the poor guy would eat every speck of kibble, then push his plate of his plate mat so he could lick that clean too. Now he’s terrorizing VBC, who seems pretty happy that her kitten is home.

I’ll wack the covidiots for ya nellie! That or I will scare them to death, today someone in line at the dollar store told me that my mask didn’t do anything to protect me, so I said I should just take off all my clothes because they didn’t protect me either. He looked properly horrified and scuttled off like a cockroach exposed to light, so mission accomplished.

There has been much booming and light flashing outside, but only a few drops of rain. If I’m lucky it will rain more, otherwise I’m going to be out sanding our ramp tomorrow which sounds a lot like work.

nellie My folks have many spider plants that is a direct descendant of the one they got when they first got married, some 53 years ago. I had one for a looong time, but I neglected it too much, also, I don’t really like spiders that much. Anyway, my understanding is they throw off baby spiders when they get root crowded. I’m not sure if that’s correct, but it’s what I’ve been told. Snipping off baby spiders won’t hurt the main plant at all.

unknown Go George!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 64 Amurrkin out and mostly cloudy (also fully dark) with a predicted high of 86 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day and the bug man will be here around eight-thirty to do his monthly thang that ensures no bugs in da cave. Sup shall be beastloaf, mac 'n cheese, baby lima beans, squishes, and rolls. The usual sloth is also on the agenda.

unknown glad George is non the worse for wear!

nellie my mother always snipped the baby spiders off of mama spider and she seemed none the worse for wear. Sis has mama spider now and does the same thing.

doggio happy heavin’!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. I suppose I should make myself presentable for the bug man as well.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Spider plants are next to impossible to kill. I have 3 that sit on the front porch till the first freeze, when I bring them in. One year, I kept them in the garage all winter, and kinda forgot to water them a few times. Come spring and a good drink or two, they were back with a vengeance. And I snip the babies with wild and reckless abandon. I gave some to my mom, I used to take them into work, and one year, I put bags of them on the corner of our lot with a big sign that said FREE and they all went to new homes.

Today is critters-to-the-vet day. We have to remember to keep our bedroom door closed so Ziva can’t go under the bed. I don’t want to have to scare her out with the vacuum and I can’t reach her if she’s under there. Getting her from behind the couch is difficult enough. But that’s today’s big adventure.

Looks like another cloudy day, low 70s, maybe a little rain later. I need to find the extension cord for the light in the greenhouse, and my cuke and 'mater seedlings are ready to be planted in the bigger planters. For some reason, none of the pepper seeds grew. Oh well. I think I’ll plant some basil and oregano, also. I guess critters and gardening will keep me out of trouble today. Then I’m supposed to fetch Roxy if we’re done at the vet on time - otherwise SIL will have to miss my daughter’s Dr appt (not a huge deal - just a routine preggo checkup.)

And so it begins. Happy Tuesday!!

It’s raining again.

I like rainy weather, but the cats don’t - Monkey is a bit of a P.I.T.A. when he can’t burn off his excess energy, and Nikki sulks & gets even crabbier - plus I’m sure my basement is a veritable swamp by now.

We actually, finally re-opened the lobby for inside dining yesterday, and the two managers who’d been quarantined emerged. (One had spent the whole time in her basement, poor thing, and was clearly having to re-adjust to the outside world. She even forgot her PIN and briefly couldn’t even clock in, until her brain fart cleared.)

I feel like crud still - did not take care of myself after the gut-punch news last week about my ex meeting his new gal’s parents - although I’m cautiously climbing out of this emotional hole.

However, it looks like they have me scheduled for block duty today, which is chopping, slicing, prepping the meat.
It’s hot, physically demanding work - you have to constantly stoop to haul heavy bins in & out of the warmer - and we aren’t allowed drinks up front. (There’s a table in the back storage area where we can keep our drinks & snacks.)

So I’m hoping to avoid another fainting spell! :crazy_face:

Before, though, I need a shower. Maybe I should just stand outside?

i dunno. It sounds like after might be a better time for the shower…

I once went away for a month, leaving my housemate at the time looking after my plants. When I got back, one of the spider plants was dead. I’m still trying to work out how… Watering with boiling water? Or battery acid? Storing it in the freezer? It hadn’t been jumped-up-and-down on, 'cos it wasn’t flat.

@Filbert, your housemate might share my involuntary “deadly to plants” tendencies. If there were a houseplant Humane Society, I’d be permanently banned from adoptions.

I can take care of pets just fine, but I’m hopeless with the chlorophyll crowd. I’m pretty sure I even killed a cactus once.

I’m going to have to make a momentous decision soon: bite the bullet and buy myself a new electric coffee pot or rely on my little stovetop espresso maker every morning. My usual coffee pot is more than 10 years old, the timer doesn’t work, the buttons are falling off and now it takes about 30-35 minutes for the pot to finish brewing when it used to take about 8-10. Woe is me. I tend to think as espresso as a caffeinated slap in the face reserved for the afternoon whereas “regular” coffee is more a gentle poke in the ribs. Given the recent expenses in this household (two sets of braces within two days of each other), I might need to get slapped in the face for a bit. Maybe it’ll help me reduce the quantities of coffee I consume.

In other news, my feet are freezing and so are my hands. It was really muggy and gross last night, then a giant wind blew in and now it’s clear and cold. I’m thinking about going for a waddle outside, but not until the sun gets over the hill. We’re in a little dip in the landscape and it takes a while for the joint to start warming up.

wetone is not a problem. As an FYI, my nephew couldn’t pronounce Paula, it came out peedin, so that’s been my family nickname for over 40 years.

Morning all. Would have sworn I posted earlier but it’s not there, so a little late on the morning greetings. Purple Heart just stopped by, didn’t have a lot of stuff for them, but gave what I had. Soccer practice for the 12U group today, I think I’ll move Friday’s practice to the lighted field, as the sun’s going down around 6:30pm. Nothing much on the agenda for today, need to start the dishwasher here in a minute.

Seanette, I am the same way with house plants, however weeds in my yard do just fine…

Hang in there, shoe

FCM, hope all the animals do well at the vets.

nellie, hope Sis does ok. I agree with your suspicions, but until she’s motivated to do something…

OK, need to get some things done about the house. All y’all take care.