Things that go bump in the MMP

I think that’s what’s happening to me. I’ll likely finish unit 2 tomorrow (once DH gets home, that’s pretty much it for the day, due to his noise tolerance being a lot lower when he’s tired.

Glad to see you eating more regularly. That’s got to help.

Evening all. Watered the lawn this afternoon, so of course it has clouded up and looks rainy-like, that always happens after me watering the lawn. Soccer has been practiced, these girls are good and are keeping me on my toes thinking up things for them to do. BLTs has been consumed so I’m good until tomorrow.

nellie, hope you can enjoy the hike…beautiful country out there.

Sari, that’s a terrible run of news…hope niece’s husband makes it OK.

FCM, add me to the glad list that FCD’s went well, and we’ll see if Roxy can make it 2 days in a row.

OK, some more soccer stuff to do, then watch a little tackleball. Everyone have a good night.

Both you and shoe are doing it wrong. Its much more efficient to make ALL of the mistakes first so the next one is easier, even if you will never, ever do that task again.

Honestly, I do understand how easy it find new mistakes to make. I commend you on powering through without a break. I would have needed at least a week between construction jobs!

We got a few sprinkles of rain today which were delivered with much loud fanfare. The monsoon is on its way out and just wanted to say good bye.

The young couple across the street has had some financial issues in the past, but both of them are working full time now so we assumed their money problems were over. They bought a new to them SUV that she drove and parked her old car. Good for them getting new stuff says I. Unfortunately, she parked her old car in such a way that the windshield blinded me with the sun every morning, but we asked her to re-park it and she did so right away.

So, about a month ago, I saw a car hauler pull up in front of our place and the driver load up her SUV and drive away. I was worried that they were having money problems again, but none of my business.

A couple of weeks ago, both of them had newish cars and the husband’s car got parked. Yesterday, we noticed that his new car was parked by the house with it’s hood crumbled. Hubs finally couldn’t take it, so walked over to find out what was going on.

She had hit a deer and the SUV was a total. They had good insurance and were able to buy her a different car. The husband had been giving her shit about wreaking her new SUV while thinking that he deserved a new car too, so they bought his. He hit a deer and the car is totaled. Happily, they have good insurance, and now the husband won’t be giving the wife shit anymore.

Sounds delicious~I have some mini Bries in the fridge. No honey, but I bet a little drizzle of apricot jam would work.

@janedoe42, you have had a much more interesting life than me!

And as for cats, yesterday my :cat:meezer :cat2: on the way to her favorite perch inside the dish cupboard, slipped off the microwave and plunged her back leg into my fresh mug of coffee. She just ran off, aggrieved and in a huff at the indignity of coffee on her pristine fur. I drank the coffee~life is too short to waste the first coffee of the day.

That is a pretty big ‘got’, nellie! Way cool author and I think she was absolutely right about your writing.

whee indeed! Rox, you rock!! :partying_face: :tada::piñata: :confetti_ball:

Napped. Had a Manhattan and Smoked Paprika chicken for dinner.

I’d be happy with it. See seems to always show up where I’m working, which is a trip the way we move me around during a shift.

She was very kind, as are you. I wouldn’t have dreamed of being so presumptuous as to ask her opinion, but though she had a couple dozen people seeking her autograph, she graciously took time to talk to me about what I’d written. Definitely a class act.

I remember that name from my high school English class!
That’s high praise, coming from her.

Thanks. That meant a lot.

I bet everyone was happy … just for different reasons.

Roxy: balloon! And pizza!
RoxyMom: no poopy pants!

Seriously, though - congrats to her.

Neither. Every two weeks.

But … we split tips, and the MainBoss tries to get those out on the opposite Friday from payday, so we get at least a bit every week.

Yeaaahhhhh buddy, that will work beautifully!

In a pinch, those packets of duck sauce from Chinese takeout are pretty good on Brie, too.

Did she get a case of the zoomies after ingesting coffee, from licking herself back into pristine condition?

Wheeee! More vicarious fun stories in our futures, I hope.

Samosas were … okay. The sauce that came with them was divine, though. I love tamarind, and am Team Cilantro, so this was a delicious combo of those.

The avocado was perfectly ripe, which improved the samosa meh-ness (is too a word!) somewhat. I had it Brazilian style, with lemon & sugar (as opposed to Mexican style guacamole, with lime & salt) and if I haven’t recommended that combo to y’all yet, allow me to officially recommend it now!

Okay, I’ve stayed up way too late. Time for me to get some sleep.

You too, Mumpers! Go to bed!

My roomie asked me the same ? when I told her the story~Moxie seemed unimpressed by the coffee, but then she’s unimpressed by everything external to her.

About off to bed now, but wants to mention the rotten lil black cat that came with our first home and got named Freeloader (as in I saw that freeloading cat drinking from the sprinklers again). She was a rotten cat, constantly in trouble until almost the day she died.

Freeloader drank my coffee whenever she got the chance and would do some zoomies, but that could have been the cream and sugar. Once I thought I would make some catnip tea because someone said it was relaxing. It tasted light and minty as expected, but having Freeloader jump on the table to suck up the tea like it was cream and then zoom all over the floor and then up and down the walls was not relaxing at all.

Now I always use adult sippy cups because I’m tired of cat spit in my water.

shoe I agree that you are a good person who deserves better. I’m certainly not one to give life advice, but I wonder if you have looked into government service? It has its own set of problems but comes with retirement and health insurance. Your customer service skills will be valued and sexual harassment usually isn’t tolerated.

I seem to remember that you posted on your phone, so I’m wondering if your phone also has camera abilities. If so, you could show off your cross stitch and we would all admire it. Or at least I would. I love looking at other people’s work!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Morning all.

Today is the first day of my unemployment! In all seriousness, the job I just quit was the best I’ve had- aside from the whole being through an agency with a 3 month contract thing- and I might well wind up reapplying there after, but there’s no way I could carry on working full-time and do this course as well. I might look for a little part time job on campus at some point, but I don’t really have to. I get to be a drain on society for a bit, yay!

I seem to remember folks were talking about owls before- I thought I’d heard one in the distance last week a few times, but last night it decided to come really close up to the house. A nice loud tawny owl, very hooty. :owl: Like, woke me up level loud. I could even see him out the window from bed, sitting on an off street light (they turn the on campus ones off about 1am) then flying off. Been ages since I saw one!

Very cool!

Come brag in the "Today in nature I saw … " thread!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis < snerk > 69! < snerk > Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 89 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. I shall betake myself over to the church house to deal with some church janitor JW stuff as well as some other stuff. Other than that, who knows what the day will hold. I have decided that tomorrow will be mowage day just cause I can make such decisions. I envision sup bein’ majik intartoobz pizza and sallit.

I read all, but am havin’ comprehension issues this mornin’, so, yays, boos, hugs, trouts, chitlins, noogies, and how you doin’s all around as needed.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, bother of bothers, I must purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. It is so hard bein’ me sometimes!

Happy Firday Y’all!

FCD stayed in bed all night!!! He said when his legs woke him, he just shifted position and was able to fall back to sleep, instead of having to move from bed to recliner and back every couple of hours. Further reason that we love our family provider - she listens and knows what to prescribe. Huzzah for sleep!!!

It’s a brisk 54° this morning, possibly dropping lower before the sun rises. I’ll be making a convenience center run today, and the back yard needs to be mowed. I’m going to run a couple of loads of laundry - it’ll be a good drying day. And I think I’ll hang the light in the greenhouse. So lots of little things to be done today.

Depending entirely on the supervisory climate, of course. Then there’s the other extreme of those who choose to be offended at the stupidest things, but they’re not unique to gummint jobs, either. But I concur - I retired (the first time) with 37 years of federal service and while not wealthy, I should be comfortable till I kick. Unless those babies in the Capitol screw up the budget, etc, and leave us retirees high and dry… nope, not gonna get political.

Very cool! I hear them but between the dark and the many, many trees, no way am I going to see one unless it’s right on my windowsill under a full moon.

Happy Firday and Happy October!!!

Good morning and happy Friday!

Well, looks like I have to work today since Congress kicked the can down the road until December, but at least I still get a paycheck.

I am dog-tired, so have read everything, but retained very little.

Yay for potty successes! I am hoping Zoe is on her way to the same. Also, yay to the doc finding the right med combo for FCD!

Enjoy your hike, Nellie. Do you mean near the town of Rainier or the mountain? I would love to take a nice little hike myself, but the husband would want to come along and he’s not in the best shape anymore so my “hikes” end up being very short. I find it frustrating, but won’t say anything to him because he’s making an effort to get out there, but at the same time, I don’t like driving an hour or two for a 30-minute hike either. I saw some trails I’d like to further explore off the John Mather Memorial Highway and up near the summit of Chinook Pass. The trails near the summit may have to wait until next summer.

I’m glad it’s my “short” day. I may opt to make it even shorter because I have credit hours that need burning. It depends on what hits my Teams chat or email. Because…it’s always something…

shoe, if you have the option, I agree you could look into government work. I’ve got 38 years in and plan to retire in the next five years…maybe. At least with the feds, you have med insurance and a paycheck every two weeks. There is also retirement. As FCM said, the culture depends on the supervisory climate. I’ve worked for some truly shitty people, but I’ve also worked for some incredibly great people.

The husband wants to go out to dinner tonight at the Black Bear Diner. I don’t really want to go there. I think it’s “meh”, but it’s near the store I want to hit for Adam’s last birthday present. We’ll see.

I hope that you enjoy the hike nellie. As far as the itch goes, I hope that nothing aggravates it further.

Up, caffeinating, bed stripped, a load of towels and sheets ready for the dryer and a load of jeans ready for the wash. After KP, I’ll get busy with housework and (hopefully) greeting maintenance for needed repairs. If everything is done early enough, we may even get to the dog park.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

At the risk of being obvious, have you tried hydrocortisone for the itching? IANAD nor do I play one on TV, but it’s helped me on occasion.

Been busy here. I showered, dressed, stripped the bed, hauled the laundry downstairs, sorted it, and threw the sheets in to wash. Then I remade the bed, gathered the household trash and recycling and loaded it in the truck, tidied the kitchen, and loaded the dishwasher, at which point, the sheets were done, so I threw jeans and shorts in the washer and hung the sheets out to dry. WHEW!

FCD is home from therapy. As soon as I hang out the washer load and start the last load, I’ll head to the convenience center. And once the last load is on the line, I’ll decide what happens next.

Mowage must happen at some point.

Today’s already shaping up irritating. Little and poor-quality sleep, then DH bounced right back home within minutes of departure with the news that a tire that was just put on the car last Saturday is flat (it apparently picked up a screw). Can’t get in at the tire shop until 12:30.

He’s been informed he will just have to put up with noise and upheaval while that shelving unit gets finished, but he responded to that with an offer of help. That’s better than expected.

Morning all. A comfortable day right now, the clouds have all disappeared and it’s 71F, heading for 85F today. Need to go out this morning and do some banking stuff, but I also got my retirement check today so it’s OK to spend money. Outside of soccer coaching this afternoon, not much on the schedule.

Nut, being a drain on society is a nice gig while you can afford it. Hope it works out for the best. And having an owl outside your window must mean something…but then again, it wasn’t an ‘omen pigeon’…

Thanks to all for reasons not to own a cat. At least all the dogs I’ve known never stepped in a cup of coffee…

shoe, sounds like you have a pretty good boss.

nellie, never read Eudora Welty to the best of my knowledge, but any professional author praise is worthy of note.

unknown, must be lots of deer around the area for both of them to hit one. Glad they are OK.

OK, need to make myself presentable and head out with the checks and get my banking done, then decide what else to do until 5pm. All y’all have a good day.