Threads that are sure to end in meltdowns

Or even thanks too.

“I’m going to country/state/resort on holiday/vacation, what advice can you give?”

Somebody is bound to answer “yeah, don’t go - it’s crap and the people are all bastards” and off we go.

Sublight’s three rules of child-rearing discussions:

  1. Any activity, no matter how mundane or innocuous, will have someone who is rabidly against it and will accuse any parent who performs/allows/supports it of being a child-abusing psychopath.

  2. Any activity, no matter how bizarre, extreme or illegal, will have someone who is rabidly in favor of it and will accuse any parent who rejects/opposes/disagrees with it of being a neanderthal fascist child-abusing psychopath.

  3. Once #1 or #2 make their appearance, someone will post an more vitriolic counter-flame. At this point, the meltdown has already begun.

I just thought it was amazing the way such an offhand anecdote spawned so much passion. Very much in the spirit of the OP of THIS thread, I think.

Thank you notes. Now I remember I’m in the old-fogie minority on this issue. :rolleyes:

:eek: Note to self: do not pit your stupid digestive system. Because apparently gagging is all in your mind.

Objection to self: But flame wars are amusing!

Note to objection: Shut up.

Is “white trash” a racist term?

A short discussion on the merits and demerits of feminism has been known to get a little lively before now, ISTR.

Why can’t I have a white pride rally? How come everyone else gets to be proud and not me?

Oh yes there is.

<<narrows eyes, right hand hovers over six-gun>>