Well, my fellow BAD boys and girls, how about it? Someplace like Fondue Fred’s on Telegraph in Berkeley? Walkable to BART, easy to go veggie, and not too expensive. Plus, you get all the cheesecake you can handle for dessert. Or does anyone have a better suggestion?
I’d love to, and I missed y’all at the gathering at Jack London last month. And this is just up my neck of the woods. What say everyone?
There was a BAD in Jack London last month? The last one I saw was going to be up in the North Bay somewhere, so I didn’t bother to reply. But I missed one in Oakland?
Sounds interesting! I’ve never been but if it’s close to BART it’s close enough for me. I’m already booked for a get-together for lunch on Saturday (the 6th) so other than that I’m open.
Here’s a map showing where Fondue Fred’s is. The BART station is on Shattuck and Allston, I think. I’ve walked there from BART before, but if poeple would rather meet somewhere a little closer, Jupiter is right outside the station, and they’ve got good beer and pizza.
[sub]fixed coding[/sub]
ARRRGH! Damn smilies! I’ve never seen the point of them. Anyhow try this .
Yay! I missed the last Dopefest, so it’ll be nice to actually make this one.
Jupiter has great beer. Also, a block up Shattuck is Beckett’s Irish Pub, and you can guess the rest. Another good place about a block down the street is Thallassa, which has good drinks and beer but is a little less conducive to gatherings.
So anyway, when are we talkin’…?
This weekend? Saturday night?
Okay, so I think I might bite. I’m free Saturday night too.
berkeley girl,
Let’s get a time and place nailed down, eh?
Okay, I motion that we meet at 7:15 Saturday at Fondue Fred’s, and then proceed to anyone of a number of bars after dinner. Anyone second?
Roll call (so far):
White Lightning
Great Dave
Who are we missing?
Im determined to make it to this Dopefest. Keep me posted, I’ll also bring my wife who lurks sometimes but doesn’t post, if nobody minds.
Anyone want to meet at BART or this Jupiter place and walk with me to Fondue Freds? I’m not that familiar with Berzerkley although I could probably find it on my own if I have to.
I’d love to go, but I have neither a car nor access to a BART station. Anyone coming from or passing through Marin that would mind a virtual stranger in their car?
Voguevixen, I could meet you at BART. It’s about a 10 minute walk to Fondue Fred’s from there.
My email is mlerose42@yahoo.com if you want to get in touch with me beforehand to arrange a time, let me know what you look like, arrange a specific meeting spot, etc.
all excited 'bout my first minidopefest,
So everyone is cool with the time/place?
Miller- sorry pal, Marin is a bit out of the way. You guys should’ve bought in back in the '60’s.
If Miller’s not going, neither am I.
Come on, can’t someone give him a ride? I’ll go with you to get him, if you’re uncomfortable about giving a ride to a stranger.
I’d also be happy to meet anyone at BART and walk up to Telly. That’s my area. Maybe we could organize it so half the party starts downtown and we all walk up together. Wouldn’t that be fun? Like a parade. A Dope parade. I bet it’d be popular if we told people that’s what we were doing.
It isn’t that I don’t want to pick Miller up, it’s that I can’t. But I seem to recall that there are other BAD’s in the Marin/North Bay area that haven’t checked in yet. Maybe…
I’ll be attending a wedding in far away South Bay on Saturday, so I can’t make it. I’ll tip my virtual hat to the right as I drive through Oakland.