To the 12 yr. old twerp who left an old lady stranded in stairwell

All right you little shit, you better hope I don’t find out who you are.

It was almost a full 24 hours in this blackout and you were merrily trotting up the stairs of your building when you found a little old lady sitting on the stairs. She was panting, exhausted – it’s 30 degress out with a nasty humidex making it feel like 39 (102ish F). The elevator is out, no power at all in the building, but this little, old lady was really hungry and had ventured out for a meal. Well, she had to get back UP eight stories to her apartment and that seemed to be a helluva lot tougher than going down.

Yet you skipped on up the steps.

She offered you a “twoonie” ($2 Canadian coin) for you to help her carry her one small bag up to the 8th floor.

“No thanks.” You answered and then just left her there!!!

Listen you little fuckstain – fine, long gone are the days when Boy Scouts help little old ladies cross the street, but nevertheless – you do not just abandon an obviously-distressed, little, old lady in the stair well!!! Was it so hard to figure out that she couldn’t make it on her own???

She should not have even needed to ask for help, let alone feel the need to try to bribe you.

Nice that you have such basic fucking decency you fuckwit!

She was stuck there until we came along with our own elderly resident. I took her bag (which only had a pair of shoes in it) and supported her on the left while she used the railing on the right. Yeah, it took awhile, and she never would have made it on your own. If your time was soooooo precious (yes, and I’m sure that at the age of 12 you must have some Very Important things to do), you could’ve at least knocked on any one of the dozens of doors in your hall to tell someone “hey, there’s an old lady in the stairwell who needs help.” But no. That thought never crossed your little pea brain did it?

Thank, Og, we came along – at least she was able to get rehydrated and isn’t still sitting there melting on the concrete steps.

You’d better hope I don’t find out who you are because I will have a loooooooong conversation with your parents and I will make absolutely sure that you are grounded until you’re old enough to vote. I’ll have you make up for ou lack of humanity by carrying that little, old lady piggyback to the store and back everytime she needs to get a gallon of milk. I’ll have you banned from all elevators for life and make you wear sandpaper socks. I’ll make you wear old lady clothes that have old lady smell. I will make you wear diapers in public – on the outside of your clothes – so you won’t be able to date until you’re 35.

You’d better hope I don’t find out who you are, you little shit!

Wow, what a 'lil piece of shit!

Wait until Karmageddon comes around.

Karma? Hah! How about we just throw him in a tank of sea snakes?

Well, at least she said “No thanks” instead of “Fuck you, you old bitch” or some such. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I weep for the future.

Oh, it was a 12-year-old boy, not that it makes any difference, but for those of you who want to burn an effigy that is more or less anatomically correct…

It makes me grate me teeth too because that building is a co-op with a marvelous sense of community. Everyone really looks after everyone.

E.g. a couple units pooled they’re BBQ resources so that eveyone could bring down their perishables to be heated into a warm meal last night.

I can not believe that little fuck could be so callous – there’s uniformed security for fuck’s sake and it would have taken all of ten seconds to call the guy! The security guys would have found her eventually anyway, they patrol the premises thoroughly and regularly.

Thank Og, she wasn’t in a more serious state of medical distress!

(Just exhausted, mildy dehydrated, and a touch embarassed.)

Am I the only one who read this “To the 12 yr. old twerp who left an old lady stranded in a well”

Am I the only one who read this “To the 12 yr. old twerp who left an old lady stranded in a well”

Golden Gun – wasn’t that a Simpsons episode?

Grrr. I accidently double-clicked the Reply button.

Oops. I had been thinking of the girl who was rescued from an elevator in NYC when I opened this thread, and the image stuck.

Man with the Golden Gun

There was an old lady, got stuck in a well –
(What the hell?)
Yes, stuck in a well. . .
I think she fell.

(Thanks --NOT-- for sticking that song in my head! :stuck_out_tongue: )

Eats_crayons: what a little fuckwit! I hope you got a good description from the little old lady (he can’t hide forever!)

When you find him, bring him into your apartment then pop him in front of the computer. Log into the SDMB, and let US have a chat with the little shit.
It takes a village sometimes…under these circumstances, a cybervillage will do.


That is just fucking HORRID. I mean, for crying out loud, I wouldn’t have even taken the damn money, I mean, what the hell?

(I read it as stranded in a restroom stall. It’s too hot…dammit)

I would have carried her up the stairs if she’d have let me. If I’d done something like that when I was 12, my dad would have kicked my ass…hell, I would have gotten a pretty damn stiff lecture if I’d have even taken money to help her (followed by a trip to return the money and apologize). What a thoughtless little shit. I hope you do get him cornered somewhere and let him have both barrels.

…and just what could a 12 year old be doing that was so urgent he could ignore the pleas of a helpless senior?
<<shudder>> I just got a horrid urge to want to give a paddling to the nameless faceless inconsiderate brat if he’s ever discovered. Let karma smack him a good one better than that.

…left to their own devices, kids are self-centered, inconsiderate, lacking in empathy. Most are capable of developing good manners, kindness, consideration for others, etc, if they are brought up right, but how many will develop these traits on their own? I think at first, it has to be, “darn, I better help this old lady so I don’t get in trouble with my parents,” and if there is no perception that one might get in trouble for failing to help, many kids will see no reason to bother.

I have a thought: Since she offered money, is it possible that he interpreted it as a “Hey, you wanna make a few quick bucks” offer rather then a plea for help? The fact that he said “No thanks” and just left just says to me that he may not have realized that she was in as bad a way as she was, that’s all.

Dunno, if that’s not the case, he’s a little rat bastard.

Zette believe me, she looked like she was going to puke. She was red and still panting by the time we came across her, several minutes later. She was obviously not feeling well and in need of assistance.

The little old lady had told the kid she was having a bit of trouble getting up to her floor on her own – no shit! One look at her and it was pretty clear, though she was trying to maintain some decorum as she sat patiently huffing and puffing.

Geez, when I was six years old I saw an elderly lady sit on a bench rather “suddenly” and went to tell my mommy that a grandlady looked sick. If I’d ever come across an old lady sitting in the middle of a stairwell, you betcha I’d have gone and told a grow-up. Old people don’t normally sit there and definitely don’t normally huff and puff like that.

And by the age of 12, I certainly knew better than to leave someone who looked sick alone in such an unusual spot.

No, alas, this woman was clearly in distress. The kid is a little rat bastard.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Plus, he’s only 12 for chrissakes. Probably more concerned for when he can play Xbox games or download illegal mp3s again. Not an excuse, of course, but let’s get a little perspective on the matter, shall we? It’s not like he pushed her down the stairs or anything.

BTW Eats_Crayons, how did you find out about this?

I’m sorta leaning towards Zette’s interpretation. Thing is, I could see myself doing the same thing when I was that age. Not 'cause I didn’t care, but because I was really, well… stupid. I could very easily see myself assuming that since I could get up the stairs, everyone can get up the stairs. My grandma babysat for me a lot when I was that age, and I’d often suggest doing things with her that she clearly shouldn’t have been doing at her age (“Let’s play frisbee, gramma!”), not because I didn’t care about her, but because I still hadn’t grasped the concepts of ill health and infirmity.