Tom & Katie have baby on the way

I just checked out the new people and Us, and it seems Mr. Bice is a father.

When good fertility happens to bad people.

I seriously hope she doesn’t suffer PPD if she doesn’t miscarry. And if she does fall victim to the baby blues (like the majority of women who give birth) I hope Cruise has the grace to apologize for his prior statements on that subject.

I am somewhat disturbed by how much that grossed me out.

Kidman was probably Katie’s age or younger when she married Cruise. As others have pointed out his former wife (who was older than him), Mimi Rogers, managed to have children with someone else after they divorced. So how come after all this time Tom is finally capable of fertilizing? I’ll agree with the turkey baster theory.

I think they must have realized that the press was dying down and that they had to do something to get back in the spotlight.

On the next episode of Oprah, Tom hits the couch again:


You’re assuming she’s really pregant. I’m with DooWahDiddy – there’s never going to be a baby.

Harimad-sol – grossed out? Really? I laughed. Out loud. 'Cause you know he’s used that line. (In gay bars, but whatever.)

That depends on your definition of “IMPREGNATED.”

Ohmygod. I was reading this and EATING!

You’re welcome. :smiley:

Marley, your “subtext” reading made my morning. :stuck_out_tongue: Tanks!

I think I’m going to be sick. Where’s that damn barf smiley? Can we get a barf smiley over here?

Word on the street is that “it” and Katie only have a five year contract so I wonder if they’ll even bother with actually getting married. His contract with Nicole was 10 years and I wonder if it was so long because of the kid thing.
I don’t thing a child will materialize from Katie and “it’s” alleged union.

Just yesterday I was on the phone with my sister. She remarked, “at least Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes aren’t all over the news anymore”. I blame her!

Man, Google be fast:

**Will Katie Be a Good Mom?
Get paid to voice your opinion on Tom and Katie’s baby. **

I bet the tabloids are creaming all over themselves. We’re talking years and years of stories.

Ah. You’ve seen the fnords.

No kidding. One of the public radio DJs here said yesterday, “Just imagine them 10 months from now, when Tom wakes up to find Katie standing over him with a butcher knife saying, ‘Give me some meds NOW!’. Well, here’s hoping she doesn’t suffer from post-partum.”

A perfunctory Googling failed to turn up the existence of a “Katie Holmes Liberation Brigade”… so, folks, here’s your chance to grab a cool domain name and organize a benign terrorist cell at the same time!

Isn’t it amazing how fertile Hollywood girlfriends are?

Stupid people breed very easily. It’s a trait of their species.

…and as Nicolas Cage’s newborn son was rumored to remark,

  • “Hey, I may be named after Superman but at least my dad’s not Tom Cruise” *

Actually, it’s out there. You can even buy a “Free Baby” t-shirt. :slight_smile: