Troll List

coldfire: sorry about not realizing you were a european, but that doesnt matter now, does it, as you yourself said.

coldfire: and why would everyone on the board decuct that i represented all europeans?

krish: i was hoping for the trolls to deny the accusation. as i am going to do! explain your definition of troll and ill explain why im not one!



You’ve just proven that you can neither type NOR read. If you quote, please be a little more careful as to avoid making other people that yourself look like stupid asses.

Now go away and walk into a boiling Geiser or something.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Boiling Geiser?

Don’t do it! It’s hot!

You’ll get Bj0rned.

You had to do it, didn’t ya Wally?

I saw it coming, of course. I wasn’t bj0rn yesterday, you know.

Oy. Don’t you guys realize that all these bad puns start to get … wait for it… Bj0ring after a while?

Thank you! I’ll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses and bartenders, and drive safe, you hear?

Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine

Geez, Manhattan. That was a little overbj0rd, dontcha think?

I think that this thread has pretty well bj0rn out the idea that we really need to each get a life. Fortunately, we haven’t resorted to animal jokes, so we won’t be accused of being brought up in a bj0rn.

I nanosecond after I hit the submit button, I said, “Oh, oh”.

Sorry, guys.

coldfire: that was an unsupported statement you made just there. if you dont know what im talking about, you can always resort to your idea that i dont know how to type.

group therapy, have you heard of it? well, you dont need that one. except with you as the only patient.

its strange that “you” is both singular and plural in the english language.


Yeah. I would guess that the singular/plural “you” has caused more fights on message boards/bulletin boards/newsgroups than any other single feature. We keep that construction in the language just for its entertainment value.


I’ve just read this thread in one sitting.
I keep clicking on that big O in the middle of his name, trying to get those fucking CAPITAL LETTERS out of there !!! I’m sure it will work, it’s got to, it’s got to…its got 2…oh please god help me…its got me by the ankle…why do you people not understand me…

I think we need to start an SDMB virtual petition to get bj to change his moniker.

I think it should be bj(zero)rn or possibly bj(null)rn. Any other suggestions? Anybody with me?

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

It already is bj(zero)rn. Some people just misspell it as bjOrn, is all.

Oh, wait – you meant to substitute the 0 with the characters “(zero)” or “(null)”, rather than … er, never mind.

BjOrn… Honey, wake up, I know the nights are getting long up there…For the record, I’m in no way dissing Iceland. I’ve been there and think it’s beautiful.
I’m wondering this, though: why in your profile is bjorn just regular, but in your post name spelled with the CAPITAL “O”
??? Is this the key to your style that I’m too clueless to understand??? Help me, it’s cold down here under the bridge…

Bj0rn mentioned on another thread that he uses the 0 (zero) because he has encountered languages (and software?) that don’t support the umlauted o (ö) that follows the j in his name.



If you turn to page one of this thread (my presumption; I am browsing with Netscape Navigator, your mileage may vary, debending upon your browser, the version and the speed of your Internet connection ;), ANYWAY, on October 6,1999, krish posted some links which evidently were intended to give newcomers such as myself (and possibly you) some historical context on the postings of bjOrn, which would allow us to come to our own conclusions as to whether he’s a troll.

I have taken it upon myself to read these four links, and the two links that inspired Papabear to go off on Thorleifur (sp?) I can’t remember who provided those links, and I’m not feeling inclined to go looking for them right now, but it could have been Papabear himself). As a result, I’m still on the 'net at 0130 local time, and I’m likely to be late for work in the morning. Don’t anyone feel guilty; I chose this course of action for the evening.

Krish, I must confess that link #3, originated by Frankd6, confuses me a bit. While bjOrn did post to the thread a couple of times, he is by no means overly represented. I found link #2 to be hilarious, and I applaud all of those who contributed to it with non-English language replies, including those who used pig latin. The bit in Elvish was priceless. Fukk marks to bjOrn foe originating it.

On the whole, my impression of Thorleifur is as follows: He has been acculturated to regard the actions of American foreign policy with suspicion, his OP’s tend to challenge Americans to justify the dichotomy between the advertised ideals of The American Way and the realities of life on the ground in the U.S.A. (a habit many Americans might do well to take up), and when he is given a straight answer, respectfully worded and with a minimum of jingoism, he tends to accept it and respectfully disavow any intent to insult.

I have the same impression of Hoe.

Both of these individuals do, in my view, seem to respond to jingoism with a certain level of disdain which propably informs their ri**post[/]es (and if I did that right, I apologize for the horrible pun) with a certain amount of prickliness.

bjOrn, in addition to these qualities, has, in my view, demonstrated a devastating level of wit comparable to the best of Monty Python and the Black Adder, and surrealism on a level with Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

Of course, I’ve been mixing Kahlua, brandy and milk all night, so feel free to take that into account.

Lynn, would you be so good as to provide us with a definition of the term troll? If you prefer, you may defer to kellibelli as the originator of this thread. I ask because having seen Palidors listed as a troll, I am confused as to the inclusion of bjOrn on the same list.

Maype I should just stick to smart-ass remarks.

yes, björn here :), you got it right tomnebb.

kaylasdad99: do NOT stick to smart-ass remarks, that post of yours is brilliant, and reading all those links is truly a heroic feat. not mentioning understanding em too ;).

bj0rn (björn)

Gosh, I got some mail while gone that lead me to believe I was a troll! Hate to rain on your so obvious parade BJ0rne or whatever but I think I need some attention too.

Who did I really piss off so much that they directed me here? Anonymous e-mail is cute but do you care to fess up in public or should I just act like you never sent me e-mail? If you really, honestly, think and feel that I’m a troll than please, post it here. I promise to watch this tread. I will respond personally post haste.

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.