Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

I suspect that the “Black Tom” thread ties in to the alteration of history thread. Nobody has heard of it because it was only recently added to our timeline.

Whoa. This goes much deeper than I realized.

Something about the way it writes distracts me like no other Doper…

That’s so cute. Bravo for Mom playing along. :slight_smile:

Unless Mom told your sister that unless they paid off the troll each time he’d come out from under the ridge and snatch sis away to put in the stew pot for dinner. That would’ve been mean.

Funny as Hell, though.

Especially if the next time sis slept over at a friend’s Mom served Brother stew and was mysterious about it’s origins.

Maybe that’s why @digs has such a … interesting … personality. Got threatened to be fed to Mom’s trolls a few too many times and the damage stuck. Poor little kid!

JK. :wink:

Brother Stew?!

You got me. I meant to say served a stew to brother and was mysterious about the stew’s origins.

They don’t talk about that brother.

A brother like that, you don’t eat all at once.

The Irish Ballad-Tom Lehrer

One day when she had nothing to do,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
One day when she had nothing to do,
She cut her baby brother in two
And served him up as an Irish stew,
And invited the neighbors in, -bors in,
·Invited the neighbors in.

Thank you! I keep telling my wife to lower her behavioral standards for me… glad you’ll back me up.

FP claims that accusations of racism are as bad as murder. bUt WhO iS tHe ReAl RaCiSt?

If you are far more likely to be accused of racism than you are of being shot by the police, then that is your geater fear.

“Come on, I’ve been accused of racism hundreds of times, that’s got to be equivalent to being shot by the police at least once.”

ETA: BTW, thanks for pitting this, as I almost made that comment in ATMB, but thought better of it.

Was mentally writing my first true Pitting, ‘For Unwanted CarnalKnowledge’, addressing the K’s habit of ignoring the OP to nitpick some minor point in one of the responses, when he up and got himself banned.

Having no recourse but to put my awesome title in this thread just feels like an L.

Flamedame may not be trolling, but they certainly enjoy whistling a very particular melody.

Yeah, looks promising. Been here 1 day, 1 post, 2 threads created, same subject matter. I’m remembering Down’s Syndrome Strength already.



Another one for the watch list: Hezarkani. Joined 8 hours ago, two topics, one post, four minutes read time.

Just sayin’
