Getting a weird vibe from Jim1. Feels like a trock that hasn’t been “activated” yet. Nothing actionable, just putting my marker down.
This Jim1?
If so, you’re in good company, lots of us were thinking Trock. But he only pops up every few months, so it’s easy to miss him and their God-Like Competence at all things to all people (major sarcasm of course).
That’s the one. Seems I missed the first appearance of it.
This is snark. (And doesn’t make sense.)
You still have not made an argument. Why did he feel the need to use the n-word? What did it add to his post other than being something that would piss people off?
I didn’t say anything remotely controversial here. Actually using the n-word is not considered decent in non-racist society. Not even in jokes or snark. You don’t say it when singing along with a song.
That’s why I said “go say it in public.” That’s supposed to remind you of all the reasons it would not go well. Society has standards, and this is one of them that is known even by racists–they only use that word with other racists.
It really does feel like it’s just picking on BigT. I say things that I think are right. People don’t have counterarguments. Yet I’m still assumed to be wrong. To the point that you don’t even read what I have to say.
There was no “No True Scotsman” in my post.
For the record: I posted it here because I said I would have reported the guy for trolling. And because this is far from the first time they have posted in a way to piss people off–which I have posted about before.
And, MrDibble: I have never seen you use the n-word in a joke. You mention the n-word because you hate not spelling it out. And you are generally very much against loopholes and dogwhistles.
And “N-word” or "n-word"is the standard terminology . Calling it an expletive is insufficient, as there are many of those. But using the word is taboo. So people settled on this terminology. And I have no reason to change it.
The guy trolled, I called it out. I get attacked because I dare stand up against stuff that is wrong. I’m used to it. Y’all got nothing on MAGA.
Your asking leading questions to try and make a point. Answering your questions would not be helpful to the discussion, which I thought was finally over.
No, I made an argument. I keep inviting you to show where I’m wrong, but you don’t. The logical conclusion is that you can’t.
You chose to engage with me. Your “Disagree” didn’t not need to be posted. You don’t say why, so it contributes nothing. Then you mocked me for explaining further, pretending I committed a fallacy I didn’t.
While with other posters you often engage in argument, you often engage dishonestly with me. I don’t know why. But this board is about fighting ignorance, so I’m going to point out bad logic.
And while I may retreat for strategic mental health reasons, I will never back down when fighting bigotry. I wouldn’t accomplish what I do if I did. The only way to get me to stop is to prove that I’m wrong.
I don’t know why people think disrespecting me will get me to stop fighting for what I believe is right.
“inference”, maybe.
I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that they can convince you to change any of your smug, certain moral superiority that you constantly berate and lecture everyone over on every damn subject on Earth. You have a Trumpian scale ego.
I didn’t say “in a joke”. But I have used it in mocking racists by putting it in their mouths.
I don’t hate it. I find it childishly absurd. Not the same thing.
My hero!
Well, as long as we’re centering your feelings in all of this… as opposed to any, you know, people who might actually get the word nigger slung at them.
Trolling in the trolling thread, classy.
This too.
And just to note - you’ve been a tedious fuckwad about this general topic for years, and absolutely nothing about your bloviating show-liberal ass has changed since then. I’m reminded of one thing I said, though, seeing your current climb up that cross:
You know, I’ve always held that “virtue signalling” was always a good thing. Turns out I was wrong.
I think my conclusion from then still resonates strongly:
just shut the fuck up, BigT
Why is it when people are told not to do this and not to say that, their first response is to ask how can they get around the rules and actually do this or say that?
BTW, notice how I said all that without naming the thing to be done or the word(s) to be said?
Grow up. That’s not what happened here.
They did nothing wrong. Calling it “the n-word”, or using alternate keyboard characters is fine. Same as if they’d tried to refer to “cunt” by calling it “the c-word” or “c&&t”. Frankly, writing it the way they did scans much better in the phrase.
Which post were y’all originally discussing?
Here you go. It was a ways back:
I don’t use “n-word, nigger, colored, or any others”
I call them people.
But “N-word or n****r” is often used online.
My grandkids are taught at school to not use any of those. They are taught to say the kids name or what he’s wearing. My grandson was telling a lunch room aide, “That black boy stole my cookies” he got sent to the office.
It’s a confusing subject for children to get.
We were taught differently in school. Of course, even in the South, it was not polite to call some one * n****r * in any way.
And you would be punished.
@BigT is right on this one, y’all.
It not childish to say “n-word” It’s considered the way to do it, when discussing the subject. Adult and children.
Of course you wouldn’t say “oh, you stinking n-word” to be abusive to some. That’s just silly.
As you know, I believe all name calling to be childish and used by people with poor vocab to express their opinion.
Words can hurt people.
But you just did. According to the post that started this whole thing, just saying the word in any context, even when quoting racists, is hate speech.
Lol sure