TronnaDope: let's meet in Toronto!

I’m thinking it might be a good idea to start planning another TronnaDope. Paging Toronto Dopers and anyone who might be visiting our fair city!

I’m in! :slight_smile:

Maybe it’ll help me get over my angst from missing the big NYC Dopefest by a week (not that I don’t love all y’all Tronnadopers… but it would’ve been cool to meet up with a whole bunch of other Dopers in a whole 'nother city).

Sure. I also just handed in my notice at my current job, so as of November 15th my schedule’s pretty open for a month or so.

Gimme enough lead time please. I would love to come up.

That would be cool!

I’m hoping to hear from at least Cerowyn, though; he alternated between Toronto and Tokyo and I’d like to arrange things for when he’s on this side of the Big Pond.

Also paging Kid_A and Kythereia and Cowgirl and at least half a dozen others.

And November 14th, the newly-renovated Art Gallery of Ontario opens!

Ego surfing pays off again! I just found this thread.

I’d be up for meeting at some point, for sure. I’m in Toronto until at least January.

The weekends of Nov 15 and 29 are quite impossible for me; the intervening weekend might work. December might be better.

That’d be fun - got a date in mind? I’m busy, but at least I’m in the city for a while.

I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to make it out.

My thoughts. Need time to plan. Thanks

I’d like to put in a bid for sometime in November and preferably on a weekend, as my December is looking pretty ugly work-wise. I might still be able to find time in December, mind you, but I can’t make any promises.

Well, I was holding off a little until I hears from others, but now that Cerowyn has checked in, things may firm up a little. How about the weekend of the 22nd? The Saturday might be good. Would that be too soon?

The weekend of the 22nd is totally out for me, unfortunately.

22nd might work for me… let me see what I can do.

Just feel like giving this a bump…

Does a Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast sound good to anyone?

Sundays are better for me than Saturdays (I teach at 9 AM on Saturdays.)

And I think it’s a great idea.

Of course, now that it’s February we have to figure this out all over again. :slight_smile:

Oooh… this weekend breakfast thingie intrigues me. I’m equally partial to Saturdays and Sundays, so I’ll happily present myself at the agreed-upon time and location once we sort it all out.

Not sure about breakfast, considering how long it’d take to get into the city. But I do want to try a meet, so I’ll keep an eye on this thread.

I do usually get up early, so it’s not impossible either. Where’s good for breakfast? :slight_smile:

Is this still happening? I seem to have missed the last one.