Trump wins the election. Where ya gonna live?
England, where I’ve always lived. We’ve got our own problems though…
I will stay in Indiana, watch the national fireworks (hopefully not international fireworks!), observe Trump further destroy the Republican party, and work on electing Democrats in every election.
I also will stay in Indiana, although the rest of my household has suggested heading to Canuck country. I don’t expect any dramatic change, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was. I would prefer our next leader not to be him, but I’m not fearful of that possibility.
Uh, here? Moving to another country is a lot more complicated than just buying a plane ticket, you know.
I’ll stay where I am, that guy ain’t gonna make me change a thing. Although, I’m not far from Indiana…, maybe I can move over there to up the Democratic voting roster by 1. (Indiana: Do you guys have that Religious “Freedom” Law straightened out now? That’s important before I set up shop over there.)
England. Where I live now. But I’ll be more grateful for being here as opposed to there, for the duration.
ETA: On the downside it will mean another several years of my British colleagues asking me WTF is wrong with America, much like they did during the Bush years. I still can’t answer that one.
I’ll stay put, but when traveling outside the US I’ll claim to be Canadian.
Man, in 08 after Obama won people loved Americans.
I’ll remain here in Australia, but I may consider renouncing my US citizenship. We’ll see how it goes.
I stay here. Best case scenario, everything soldiers on the same way as it always has, just like it did during the Bush years.
Worst case scenario, there isn’t any place I could run to that’ll be better off than it is here.
Here in North Carolina. What with HB 2 and blatant Republican gerrymandering and even more blatant attempts to restrict black turnout at the polls (they even admit it, ! - their excuse is that “We didn’t target them because the were black, we targeted them because they vote Democratic”), what the hell’s the damn difference anyway?
I’ll remain in Maryland. I survived 8 years of Dubya, I’ll survive Trump.
But the in-laws do live in Indiana…
I have 60 acres of farm and woodland to hunker down on, lots of fuel, fresh water, weapons and a tightly knit, ethnically homogenous community of neighbors and kin who still have my back, despite me being a liberal. It’ll be fine. I got through 8 years of Reagan, after all. Nixon, too.
Though Nixon, Reagan, and even the shrub are looking pretty benign in retrospect, though.
That does it! I’m moving overseas! Oh wait, I already do. I’ll stay here in Taiwan no matter who wins. In fact, a fellow expatriate and I were talking about how little the election really means to us since neither of us are planning on going back anytime soon.
Hunker down; it isn’t like Congress or the Supremes/Courts are going to let him screw with me that badly. I have options overseas but I don’t see The Donald causing me to pull the trigger on them.
In denial.
Depends on which country you are moving to. But a Trump victory would probably make that destination less attractive.
Bora Bora, baby.
Right here in Ohio, and ramp up my do-gooding and neighbor-loving.
I live in Kansas. I figure Trump’s America will be pretty much the same as what we got here already, just on a national scale. So, no point in moving anywhere.