Trump wins the election. Where ya gonna live?

Trump wins the election. Where ya gonna live?

England, where I’ve always lived. We’ve got our own problems though…

I will stay in Indiana, watch the national fireworks (hopefully not international fireworks!), observe Trump further destroy the Republican party, and work on electing Democrats in every election.

I also will stay in Indiana, although the rest of my household has suggested heading to Canuck country. I don’t expect any dramatic change, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was. I would prefer our next leader not to be him, but I’m not fearful of that possibility.

Uh, here? Moving to another country is a lot more complicated than just buying a plane ticket, you know.

I’ll stay where I am, that guy ain’t gonna make me change a thing. Although, I’m not far from Indiana…, maybe I can move over there to up the Democratic voting roster by 1. (Indiana: Do you guys have that Religious “Freedom” Law straightened out now? That’s important before I set up shop over there.)

England. Where I live now. But I’ll be more grateful for being here as opposed to there, for the duration.

ETA: On the downside it will mean another several years of my British colleagues asking me WTF is wrong with America, much like they did during the Bush years. I still can’t answer that one.

I’ll stay put, but when traveling outside the US I’ll claim to be Canadian.

Man, in 08 after Obama won people loved Americans. :frowning:

I’ll remain here in Australia, but I may consider renouncing my US citizenship. We’ll see how it goes.

I stay here. Best case scenario, everything soldiers on the same way as it always has, just like it did during the Bush years.

Worst case scenario, there isn’t any place I could run to that’ll be better off than it is here.

Here in North Carolina. What with HB 2 and blatant Republican gerrymandering and even more blatant attempts to restrict black turnout at the polls (they even admit it, ! - their excuse is that “We didn’t target them because the were black, we targeted them because they vote Democratic”), what the hell’s the damn difference anyway?


I’ll remain in Maryland. I survived 8 years of Dubya, I’ll survive Trump.

But the in-laws do live in Indiana…

I have 60 acres of farm and woodland to hunker down on, lots of fuel, fresh water, weapons and a tightly knit, ethnically homogenous community of neighbors and kin who still have my back, despite me being a liberal. It’ll be fine. I got through 8 years of Reagan, after all. Nixon, too.

Though Nixon, Reagan, and even the shrub are looking pretty benign in retrospect, though.

That does it! I’m moving overseas! Oh wait, I already do. I’ll stay here in Taiwan no matter who wins. In fact, a fellow expatriate and I were talking about how little the election really means to us since neither of us are planning on going back anytime soon.

Hunker down; it isn’t like Congress or the Supremes/Courts are going to let him screw with me that badly. I have options overseas but I don’t see The Donald causing me to pull the trigger on them.

In denial.

Depends on which country you are moving to. But a Trump victory would probably make that destination less attractive.

Bora Bora, baby.

Right here in Ohio, and ramp up my do-gooding and neighbor-loving.

I live in Kansas. I figure Trump’s America will be pretty much the same as what we got here already, just on a national scale. So, no point in moving anywhere.