Trying to find out about "ladies of the eighties" song

Anyone remember the song with the lyrics “We’re the ladies of the eighties, and we’ve got the groove” … I’ve googled and even dogpiled those lyrice but unable to come up the the name of the group or the title of the song. Now that single line is driving me nuts as I can’t remember for the life of anything more. FWIW I’m a 66 year old guy, and thats not the only thing I can’t remember.


Dunno if my GoogleFu is up to snuff, and I don’t know the song, but could it be “We’ve Got the Groove” by a Taste of Honey from their Ladies of the Eighties album? Link to 30 second clip, it’s also available on Rhapsody.

Ah-ha, found another link; think it is your song.

YES - thats the one. Thanks very much “Words” you are searcher than I am.

Apparently it was just a flash-in-the-pan dance track and did’nt make much impression on anybody but me. :wink:

thanks again

YES - thats the one. Thanks very much “Words” you are a better searcher than I am.

Apparently it was just a flash-in-the-pan dance track and did’nt make much impression on anybody but me. :wink:

thanks again