Uncle Beer- item for you..

Here’s a great item for Uncle Beer…If you happened to see the ad for this during the Braves/Mets game, I hope you didn’t lose as many brain cells as I did. What idiotic people they have doing the commercial!
But anyway, http://www.worldwidewatch.com/
Check out the “Time for a Beer” watch. As the seconds tick, the mug fills up and then empties…Very funny…

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

12 seconds between beers? Wow, even UncleBeer doesn’t drink that fast. I’m more of a distance runner than a sprinter. Pretty funny though. Thanks Zette.

BTW, did you get those photos I e-mailed to you a while back?

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

Yikes! were they naked??
I’m sorry if I didn’t acknowlege them. I believe they were too large for my e-mail service and it kept crashing my browser. I had to delete them without seeing them :frowning:
I appreciate the thought, though. I couldn’t e-mail you back about it because I had to just delete the mail without reading it. (I couldn’t open it).
Which cam was it from?

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

It was the Sony Mavica. How 'bout if I try to send just one or two rather than a shitpot full?

I’ll try that now.

BTW, my e-mail address is available here. If you still can’t get 'em we’ll work something else out, provided you still want them.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart