Up All Night: An early(or late) MMP

On July 4th, 1974, I watched all five of the original Apes movies in a theater! Started at 10:00 AM and don’t know for sure when it was over. They even sold bananas in the lobby, although, as Zira said, “I ***loathe ***bananas!” The movies actually make a little more sense if you see them all together.

Blurf. I wake up to some depressing news on the radio. I don’t think I want to live here anymore. But I love it here. I’m… conflicted.

I need to get my butt off to work at some point, but I’m waiting for the milk to be delivered.


Morning all,

I has a very large ugh! Been sick for 10 days+. Went to the doc-in-the-box yesterday afternoon. Some upper respiratory crap. Just gave me drugs to mask the symptoms as its not a bacterial infection so no antibiotics. Tried to take the cough syrup w/ codine last night. My tummy said “We don’t wan’t none!” So no relief last night and did not sleep well at all. Back at irk but thinking of going home early as soon as I get the necessities done. Also somehow I misplaced my day-time prescription cough stuff too. Tuesday sucks sweaty donkey balls.

Yes, we have heat. Someone from the fuel company showed up at 11 PM and dumped 10 gallons of kerosene in our tank to tide us over until the regular truck shows up. If I knew that’s what they were going to do, I could have had that much Jet A for a lot cheaper than what they charged me by 10 AM. :wink:

The up side is that I now know how to prime the furnace.

Up, caffeinated, off to work. Gonna be 65 today.:cool:

Feel better, Lucky!

Good bear. Have a picnic basket. :smiley:

Mawnin all,

Just up and caffinating

I got nothing

Blurfity blurf blurf


Okay, follow this link.
Look at it for five minutes.
That is a ROSE.

Now, look into a mirror for five minutes.
That is a PERSON.

Please pay the nurse.
Remember, if You Don’t Pay, You Don’t Get Better.

Swampy please tell your Agenda Masters to stop poaching from our All-Stars.

I’m giving you guys a fair warning now - stay away from Jennifer Lawrence!!!

Their last name is Rose. They are young and not yet fully grown. THEY ARE ROSEBUDS! :stuck_out_tongue:

besides, it’s a helluva lot easier to say Rosebuds than it is to say “grandnephew and grandniece”

Now I can go back to sleep

Even worse, she’s straight, and engaged.

Happy Toosday!
or not
the morning sucked but since everybody left and now it’s just me and the son
well now we can run about and create mayhem

which translates as doing laundry and ordering pizza
and most important buying the winning Powerball ticket!
All y’all MMPers can cross your fingers and toes for me because when I win I am sharing!

It snowed last night, not much but enough for Mackie (Sah-dog) to be afraid of going down the steps so he peed on the deck again. It’s supposed to get up into the 40s today and be warmer all week. I am ready for warm.

Tuesday is the new Moanday, at least this week. ICK! Whine, whine, whine! Complain, complain, complain! That’s what this day has been about. I have lost count of the times I have said “you know you’re supposed to do this, so why haven’t you done it yet.” I really want to say, “you are an adult and capable of doing this all by yourself, so know I won’t help you.” Instead I just say the other thing. Sigh. Oh and irk 'puter does not like me today. I must needs call to question it’s lineage once again.

Sean you’ll have to talk to the lesbians about your complaint. It’s a whole other department from mine. Unfortunately I am unable to connect you to that department as I have no direct line to there.

Ok, back to irkstuff. ICK!

I see.
Just remember “The Doctor” Johnson’s advice. :dubious:

She’s been engaged before. At least there’s some hope, no matter how small. But with Ellen Page, all my dreams are smashed upon the reefs of reality.

It’s in my hand, soon going to be up against Swampy’s cheek…to snap him out of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

The snow pile is both higher & wider than the shovel but I needed the shovel this morning to make it grow ♫dun, dun, dun♪ even bigger! :eek:

:dubious: Which set, dude? Pick the wrong one and he might like it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you going to be a Nice Guy without your gall bladder? :slight_smile: