Vernors: Yay, Nay or "Meh..."?

My dad has a thing for Vernors. We never had pop around the house growing up but now that we’re all adults, my parents find it acceptable to have sodas in the fridge and dad has started having Vernors around.

When I was still living at home (as an adult, not too long ago), my buddy came over and saw we had Vernors in the fridge. “Wow, Vernors!” he said and drank himself a can. He looks for it every time he goes to my dad’s house.

Fast-forward a few years later. I’m at the store with my boyfriend, stocking up on soda for the house. “You know what you should get? Vernors! That shit is awesome!” I got some and he drank the case, little by little, over the summer. One particularly hot day, he left my house to go to his parents’ house and asked if he could take a can for his dad. Because his dad loves Vernors.

I had two parties this summer and had a case of Vernors in the fridge for both. When people opened the fridge to select a drink, they’d say “Wow, Vernors!” and get themselves a can.

One girl’s husband had never tried it. She gave him a sip and he was not amused. “Tastes like children’s asprin,” he says. I thought “Wow, Vernors!” was a man thing but I guess not. Some women like it and some dudes do not.

Me, I am “meh” on it. I’ll drink it if that’s my only choice but never do I think “Wow, Vernors!”

What is your gender and what do you think about Vernors?


Count me in the “Wow” column. Vernors is totally awesome! I’m not generally a fan of ginger ales, but Vernors has a taste unlike any other. I can’t even tell you exactly what it is about it that’s so appealing. I just know that I love it.

Vernor’s blows. Too mild by half, and insipid to boot. I’d drink Canada Dry before I’d drink Vernor’s.

Previous discussion.

I love it – I haven’t found a mainstream ginger soda with as much gingery “bite”. It’s perfect for quenching the salty dry-mouth that comes with being in the ocean all day, so my parents keep a case at the beach house. I’ve found that it occasionally gives me hiccups, but otherwise it’s delightful.

My dad loves it, too. He sings its praises with every highball.

I remember it from when I was a kid, probably made with cane sugar back then, and always came in returnable glass bottles. The new version is much less tasty than I remember it being back in the day. My Mom was a fan of Vernor’s and vanilla ice cream mixed.

Vernors - Cream ale at Kewpies. Mmmm…

Female – I love it, but never buy it for myself.

I started a thread a while back about ginger beers. At the time I hadn’t had Vernor’s in years. I did get a bottle, and I found it too sweet and not hot (‘gingery’) enough. If I want a ginger beer I’ll stop into the Turkish restaurant near work and get a bottle of Buderim ‘Aussie Style’. (I was told in the other thread there are better ones, but it’s the best I’ve seen around here.)

Vernors is great. It was “sick pop”. Whenever somebody had a cold or flu growing up we would have some on hand.

Sometimes we’d get Vernor’s Ginger Ale floats for a sore throat. Vernors and a big scoop of vanilla. I like the stuff. It’s probably the worst pop in the world when it goes flat, though.

I prefer a good ginger beer. To me, ginger ales are just insipid versions of a good strong ginger brew.

Having said that, I do enjoy a Vernor’s every once in a while, as it does have a stronger ginger flavor, along with a mysterious (to me) something else in its flavor.

Vernors, two snaps up. (Male)

Female, grew up in Michigan, love Vernors. (It was the sick pop at our house too; hadn’t thought of Vernor’s floats in ages…)

It’s the only diet pop that I’ll drink willingly; flavor is strong enough to hide the icky artificial sweetener.


I pick up diet Vernor’s every once in a while. For diet pop, it’s pretty good. But I don’t consider it really good ginger ale (even the non-diet stuff.) When I want something that has a real zip, I go for Stewart’s Ginger Beer.

Wow, Vernors!

Screw Snapple–Vernors is the true ‘best stuff on earth’. I think I’ve narrowed down the ‘mystery flavor’ to licorice or … pine. Whatever it is, it works.

Yay. Very muck so.

I bought a bottle a week or so ago and think I may have to get another.

Notice that most of us live in or have spent time in (that’s me) Michigan. :slight_smile:

Female, 26, love it.

I tried Vernor’s about 25 years ago. It’s definitely an acquired taste. I never acquired it.

Hey! Not me! I’m in da UP!

Totally nay. Don’t care that it’s “real ginger ale” to these miscreants around here. Where I grew up, real ginger ale tasted like ginger ale. Vernor’s rather tastes like someone let a batch of ginger ale mingle with the fine taste of wood and/or wood cleaner. Do not want.

Oh, and male.