Want to read my short story?

I wrote a story about a year or so ago, and submitted it to “East of the Web.” A few weeks ago, they contacted me and said they were putting it up on the site! I’m very excited about this. If you want to check it out, go here. My story is linked on the main page. It’s called “The Star.” Pretty please go and check it out. I really appreciate your comments and feedback. Thanks.

Second person is an interesting choice–any particular reason why? I half expected to see options to turn to page 5 to go to the bomb shelter or page 8 to try to gather people into the mansion. :wink:

I thought it was a nice little tale of the apocalypse. The one thing I was thinking is that if we’re talking about full-scale nuclear war, there’d have been a lot less time for Little Starlet to brood because it’d be pretty much a simultaneous launch on all major cities. Does this mean you think Putin’s recent tendency toward autocracy is going to take a Very Bad Turn?

I wish there was more to sink into, but as vignettes go, nice and depressing.

Thanks. I chose second person because I thought it had an accusing kind of tone. It does kind of have a choose your own adventure feel to it, but I guess I wanted the reader to feel more involved in the story than third or first person puts them. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for your comments! :slight_smile:

I noticed the accusing tone. It was as if the main character was in serious trouble, along with the rest of the world, but refused to admit it, instead assuming her money and fame would get her out of trouble. It’s tough to write in 2nd person, I’ve never really attempted it.

Did the site put together the illustration, or did you?

The site did the illustration for me. They do one for every submitted story. I think they do a pretty good job.