If it was, Johnny LA will have posted 20 seconds before me. If my post is alone when it goes up, it wasn’t an earthquake.
I am in San Diego and I felt it.
How bad?
Dang! I’ll turn on the news and find where the epicenter was.
Johnny L.A. must not be online at all.
It just rattled the windows a little. If the ceiling
doesn’t cave in, it is not a bad quake.
It IS the first one I have felt in years.
I have earthquake insurance. And I get a low rate because I am in the zone rated to have the lowest chance for earthquakes.Not that I believe them…
< techchick thanks the gods that she lives in Colorado where very few earthquakes hit >
You are brave people I say, brave.
An occasional ground shift is nothing!
I could’t live with tornados. year after year after year.
Where the heck are you? I’m in the Valley, didn’t feel a thing. But, Sunday morning we had a little quake about 9ish. More of a “boom” then the windows rattled a bit with a little shake. Not much to even get riled up about.
Java, I’m in the SF valley, too. I felt the Sunday one, all right. This was almost subliminal, and I might not have recognized it if I’d been unused to such things, but I did.
Still haven’t heard a thing on TV or radio. Again, I wonder where the epicenter was if it registered in San Diego.
I’m inland in San Diego…near Lemon Grove.
yeah I felt it too…the couch was shakin’!! I am in San Diego…I figure it was around a 3.2 or so…
According to Yahoo News , what you felt there was a 5.1 magnitude quake centered out in Palm Springs.
Heh. I was sound asleep. Didn’t feel a thing. The news just now said that there was a 5.1 quake centred in Anza (did she mean Anza Borega? I’m not familiar with that area.) south of Palm Springs.
BigRedCat and IMWOMANHERE: I’ll have to call my sister later. She’s in San Diego. Oh – What do you get if you eat a toaster waffle at the beach? Sandy Eggo!
You guys are making me VERY homesick. (Only a native Californian can feel nostalgic over earthquakes, right?)
Hey their making me homesick too, but I’m from New Zealand :). Ah Wellington city of quakes how I wish I was there right now
I won’t tell you what went through my mind when that damn thing jolted me awake.
I live about a mile from a military base in San Diego, so my first thought was NOT an earthquake
All you non-earthquake people will probably chuckle to know that in order to get back to sleep, I had to convince myself that it WAS just an earthquake and not some tragic accident or attack.
Earthquake? No problem. Bring it on.
What? Earthquake? When? Where? DAMMIT!
I finally move to California, to a place where earthquakes aren’t nearly as frequent (San Diego), and we actually get one, and I’m too busy having se… er, I mean, sleeping to notice! (Well, I did feel the earth move, but I attibuted that to something else… )
Whew, I’m glad i’m not the only one that feels like that. Moved out to the midwest from the San Berdo area back in '85, and darnit, I miss the earthquakes and smog!
seriously, the dang smog pretty much killed pollen in the air, and I NEVER had sinus problems until I moved out here and to all this “fresh air”! BAH!
And i’ll take a earthquake over these darned tornadoes anyday. But then again I was raised in that enviroment, and everyone out here is just the opposite.
We were on vacation in LA (Hollywood) and completely missed it. We were awake and just didn’t notice a thing. I’m a bit disappointed - when else is this English girl going to get a chance to experience a real live earthquake? Aw.
I am, of course, talking about the Sunday one.