I’m losing my mind.
I am one of the most indecisive people on the planet, and all of a sudden I need to make a whole bunch of huge decisions. My guy doesn’t have strong opinions on most of the wedding stuff (he just cares about cake, and that we end up married at the end of it all), so most of the decisions fall on me. It doesn’t help that the wedding’s far enough away (April of next year) for me to second-guess all the decisions I have made.
Right now, the issue is photographers. We met with one a month ago, and she was really sweet and we liked her work, and her personality and attitude really impressed me. I loved her. My man said we should keep interviewing more people, just in case we found someone we liked better, and I agreed. So we met with another one last week, and she was also good. Actually, better. Well, her work was better, but I came away from the meeting thinking she was a little pushy and salesperson-y through the whole thing. But we met at a Starbucks, instead of at her home/studio (which is where we met the first one) so maybe the location had something to do with that. And my man didn’t get the same impression as I did. She’s also more expensive. But her pictures are more interesting and people look great in them. I keep flipping back and forth in my head about who we should go with. I try using the “pros and cons” lists to make the decision easier but then I don’t know that each pro or con has equal weight. I could go with my gut but I can’t figure out what my gut is saying.
Woman #1 - Better prices, excellent and flexible personality, good photos. She seems to be a more emotional photographer, focusing on the people (which I think I like).
Woman #2 - More expensive, better pictures, more detail-oriented (not sure I like that) and came off a little pushy in the interview.
Sounds like I should go with the first one… but then I start thinking that even if Woman #2 is more detail oriented, she’s probably professional enough that if I tell her to knock off taking pictures of my shoes and jewelry and get to taking pics of Grandma’s reaction when she sees me, she’ll do it.
How do people make big decisions? How do you live with the decision afterwards and stop freaking out about it? I’d flip a coin but I know I wouldn’t be happy with the result and I’d want to do best-of-three… then best-of five… sigh.