Og, dammit! As soon as I heard the mosnter I fugred ou tthe rest of the plot for the whole episode. THis is the only time the show has made me go :mad: .
Love Hurley though. “PEE-EE ON IT!” and Jin slapping his hands away from his crotch!
Og, dammit! As soon as I heard the mosnter I fugred ou tthe rest of the plot for the whole episode. THis is the only time the show has made me go :mad: .
Love Hurley though. “PEE-EE ON IT!” and Jin slapping his hands away from his crotch!
I have TiVo, so I don’t need to plan my life around a TV show… but I still make a point of being home on Wednesdays because I can’t wait one more minute than I have to, dammit!
pant pant pant
Yeah, but he may have been laying low in Oz and got himself into other trouble.
Did the last four minutes of the episode repeat for anyone else?
I don’t think so. What channle were you watching? (I’m in the same town as you). Maybe someone switched over to a different afffiliate that was a touch behind.
Global. Did it end with Locke saying “Follow me”, and heading off into the woods?
It was pre-empted here for a basketball game. Someone on another board was kind enough to give me a recap.
I came over here expecting everyone to be :mad: that Shannon was in no danger. Not that we want anything to happen to her, but isn’t there a point where you feel played because you can’t trust what you’re seeing?
Nice to see the softer, cuddlier side of Jin. Looks like Michael might be in for a disappointment, though.
I figured they weren’t really going to kill Shannon off, although they kept it up until the very last minute. If she had died, there’s no way Boone would have ever been willing to make nice with Locke. For that matter, most of the castaways would have probably turned against Locke at that point - you don’t set a girl (no matter how unlikeable) up as monster bait just so her stepbrother could learn a life lesson.
At least now we understand (kinda) that twisted little relationship. Poor Boone. All that time she was using him, and he just kept bailing her out. How awful.
And I will never trust Locke again after seeing how easily he lied to damn near everyone in this episode.
Ah, I was watching it on CTV through the bunny ears. Yes, it was sort of a “follow me into the mysterious heart of darkness…” kind of thing. When did it start repeating for you?
I meant to ask Eats Crayons why hearing the monster was a giveaway. Why was it a giveaway?
I was working on this whole brilliant theory about Locke and Shannon and Walt and good and evil and I was preparing my post in my head… until “it was all a dream”.
Dammit! :mad:
What were Shannon and Boone’s family names? Did anyone catch them?
Locke and the compass that he “doesn’t need anymore”. Possibilities:
1- It’s broken, so he doesn’t need it anymore, so he gave it away.
2- He has found the true path, so the compass that doesn’t point North is now useless to him.
3- He knew it was broken and gave it to Sayid to throw him off his map work, because he knows the maps hold important information but doesn’t want Sayid to find it. Because they’re **not ready ** for the truth yet.
Making a garden: Setting up a new Eden. What will their sin be? What forbidden knowledge will they seek?
That’s sort of the problem. I got excited that we saw a blur of the monster, but that was a bit much.
I liked the fact hat when Ehtan was stomping Jack we all assumed it was a hallucination, but we weren’t 100% sure. Now we know that there may be more to it.
I may be a minority, but I don’t want the show to get all supernatural, and that whole sequence made me go :rolleyes: . It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t known what would happen. But the second I heard the monster and Boone had to cut himself free, I knew what the rest of the plot would be. (Except for the flashback parts).
Okay now, this shit was just freaking weird.
First things first: The monster in the jungle is definitely NOT a machine, not if the representation in Boone’s “vision” was in any way accurate. It was a beast that breathed and roared. And when it came upon Boone and Shannon in the jungle the second time, it RIPPED two palm trees INTO THE AIR out of the ground. Two damned big palm trees. That ain’t no elephant. And it was big enough to block out the sun when they were inside the banyan tree branches.
I guess the key here is: WAS Boone’s vision accurate wrt the monster? Or was it what he “needed to see?”
Second, am I the only one that got the whole Messianic/Apostolic vibe from Locke telling Boone to “follow me?”
And last, the compass. The compass ain’t broke, Sayid…reality is broke. I am more convinced than ever that they are in some sort of Purgatory. If not that, definitely a Bermuda Triangle type other dimension. They ain’t in Kansas anymore, that’s for sure.
I think it was Shannon Rutherford and Boone Carlisle. I think the compass is useless because of the metal in the ground.
But if the TSM let’s you see what you want or need to see (eg Shannon’s demise) then maybe it just takes whatever form you expect of a monster.
Like if I though “monsters are hairy” maybe I would see a hairy monster. But if you thought, “monsters are like dinosaurs”, maybe you would see Godzilla.
Or there is some much bigger electromagnetic thing out there. The power source that the cables are running to underwater or something. Sayid said an anomoly would cause a minor variation. What about a giant underwater power station manned by radioactive zombies?
This is one of those things that should probably be in spoiler tags.
From the “usual rules” in your OP: Information about future episodes taken from spoiler sites/inside sources will be boxed. This includes links to promo photos and screencaps from future episodes.
Just so you know.
He’s always seemed shady to me.
What’s up with the compass? Will Kate keep her mouth shut about the English? Can dude speak English, too? Did Locke know that Boone loves (like, love loves) Shannon? He seemed to, what with the, “Okay, so let it go then” thing. Can’t Sayid do better? What’s the female to male ratio on this island, anyway?
Next week it looks like we’ll see a bit of backround from Michael and Walt, so that should be interesting.
Hooray for hallucinogens! Duuuuude…
The serpent, or in this case snake in the grass, has to be the writer who penned the ‘it was all a dream’ gag.
I’m new to the show, so perhaps am less forgiving than people invested from the beginning, but this just made me groan.
Hubby comes home tomorrow with ep 1 - 10 so I can immerse myself over the week and not rely so heavily on recaps.
Locke’s recruiting disciples, people are starting to form factions around him (Charlie thinks he’s the one guy that’ll save them, Sayid and Jack are beginning to think he’s untrustworthy)
The way Locke was talking, it sounded as though he went through something similar to Boone - did anyone else think so?
What I find odd is how similar the dream-Shannon’s injuries were to the pilot’s injuries, despite the fact that it was a hallucination. Boone never saw the pilot.
The first time the monster showed up in this episode, it made me think of a giant bird flying straight up from the forest floor. I thought I saw wings.
I can’t decide whether Locke is evil or not! It’s driving me nuts!
Is this referring to Hurley collecting those leaves? Because if so, my impression was that he was collecting big, flat leaves to use to wipe his butt after his gastrointestinal problems. Remember, he ran off into the brush with a little groan after Jack asked him whether he intended to eat them, and he said no, they weren’t for eating.