What does your username mean?

I’m not seeing these answers on postcards, instead just normal, average, everyday posts. No prizes available anymore.

Dem’s da rulz, and youz’ims broked dem.

Everyone calls me Mud coz it’s easier to pronounce than my full name. One day a friend said to me “Hello my dear Mudling” and the name stuck :slight_smile:

My Tolkieninan Geekiness is quite apparent here. Telcontar being Aragorn’s house name. (it’s either Westernese, or Elvish, I get cofused sometimes)

Storm is a nod to the timeless lyric by Stevie Nicks
“I have never ever been a blue calm sea. I have always been a storm”

There’s quite a few different username threads, try using the search option at the top of the screen for more.

said it before, but what the hell… boring, really.

My name’s Antares. It’s on my birth certificate, I swear! My middle initial is J, my last initial is B. Wooo.

It means I’m really, really boring.


Mine has a sort-of interesting story. All right, it’s just stupid.

When I was in 4th grade and sugared up, I was bouncing off the walls of my Dutch-Portuguese friend’s house making up nonsense words (I think I was imitating a bird or something). I kept saying the word “kaloo” over and over, but my friend heard “luka” because apparently that’s a somewhat common genderless name in Holland. I liked it and it stuck. Some of my closer friends called me that IRL in HS - dorky, I know, but what’re ya gonna do when your real name is Sarah?

The lovely part comes from an ex-boyfriend, who called me that in his more endearing days. I tend to use “lovelyluka” more often now because luka is usually taken by, ya know, people named Luka.

I work in theatre, “lighting”

I am a big tool, “tool”

That’s it…

I kill X’s … love beer
<looks around…>


No way!
It’s Qaroq - gotta be I’m convinced; its impossible, not just difficult (well, in Scrabble anyway)

Or maybe 3aro9…

Shoot, I didn’t even think about numbers! Now the realm of possibility has opened up further…

You know, I just stumbled across an article in an old book of mine about a philosopher. Diogenes the Cynic got his username from this philosopher (I think, I’m not entirely positive).

Anyway the story goes like this: Diogenes was a disillusioned Greek philosopher went around during the day with a lantern on a quest to find an honest man. This was in the 4th Century BTW.

And the current Diogenes spits forth truth on philosophical/religious matters…eery isn’t it? It seems HE HAS FOUND HIMSELF!!! :eek:!

:dun dun dun:

what if one of them is sqr(2) and the other is pi? eh? bet you hadn’t thought of that either.

Originally posted by Exgineer

My guess: You design and build S&M dungeons for home use.

Anyway, Harvey was a big cat I used to have. He was tragically squished at the tender age of three. I still miss the little bastard after eleven years.


I think you are stalking me–but I don’t mind at all. Stalk away.:wink:


Bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay…

Btw, I loved the ads for the Westminster Dog Show!

I love the name Ava - would like to use it for a daughter someday. My middle name is Elizabeth, so I strung the two together.

My real first name is Amanda, and I tried using Amabeth, but didn’t like the way it looked. So I substituted ‘Ava’ for ‘Ama’.


I’d rather not think about what my username means.

He did. THe only story I know about the real Diogenes is that he masterbated in a public marketplace, then declared “if only it was as easy to get rid of hunger” or some such.

Interesting fellow to hang around with, I’m sure. :eek:

Man, I wish I could write in hyrogliphics (sp?) on this board…I’m sure that Aro drived his name from them!!