I’m putting the question in the Pit, because I don’t know where else it should go. I tried looking in ATMB, but failed to see a relevant post on the subject.
Really, I’m just curious; I’m not trying to Pit anybody. I thought what I saw of his/her contributions was pretty decent, so I’m somewhat surprised to see the “BANNED” next to Demorian’s name.
The mods locked his original ban thread, but there have been at least three other people who put “o_O” in their posts who have been banned without an explanation.
There is nothing wrong with the “raised eyebrow” emoticon and Zagadka is not the only poster to have used it. Coincidentally, Zagadka happens to have used it while manipualting all of his sock puppets, although we are identifying his posts in other ways. The “o_O” is simply the part of his identity that is readily visible to the rest of the Teeming Millions.
It’s not the symbol itself, it’s that said symbol was the annoying trademark of Zadadka, and the use of it presumably blew his sock-puppet cover when the uncontrollable urge to use The Forbidden Mark overcame him.
Huh. Now why would somebody give themselves away so easily, unless they’re trying to get banned? I always associate that little o_O thingy with Zagadka. It used to drive me crazy. “What the hell is that?”, I would ask myself. I wondered if it was supposed to be spools on a reel-to-reel tape. Or a drag-racer. Zagadka’s use of that emoticon is the reason I found it was something like :dubious:. Difficult to forget; and hence an extremely poor addition to a sock, if you ask me.
It may have some deeply existential significance, reflecting the tragic nullity of the moment and the emptiness of being, as symbolized by the “sock puppet”.
Heck, I was 90% sure it was Zagadka without ever seeing the dreaded emoticon of doom in any of Demorian’s posts. Exactly the same posting style. Same sort of writing, same political views, same everything. A master of disguise he is not.
Without knowing anything about this guy or his background:
What the hell? That’s like banning anyone that uses “=)” or “:)” or “lol” or “wtf.” I wonder how many random people are wondering why they just got banned.
Again, I probably shouldn’t be saying anything because I don’t know anything about this guy or his background, but that symbol is pretty common and banning people just for using it seems pretty ignorant to me.