What have I got in my pocket?


MPSIMS anyone?

Well, even though I just lost a particularly precious heirloom recently, I can’t even conceive of you having found it…

String, or nothing!

“Is it nice, my preciousss? Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable?”

Sssssss…What has it got in its pockets, preciousss? Our birthday present, it does!

A badger pancreas?

Not a fair question, to asks us what it has in its pocketses!

Stole it, it did!

[song] I’ve got something in my pocket, it belongs across my face. I keep it very close at hamd in a most convenient place![/song]
(No, it’s not dirty! It’s a Girl Scout song, I swear!)

MPSIMS, my ass!

Lord Ashtar is tricksie and false

Is that a ring in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

A 1920’s style death ray?

A 1420’s style evil domination ring?

Die you overabused cliche!! Die Die!!


[hijack] One and Only Wanderers - personally I don’t mind the death rays thing, on the occasions where it is used in a way that it is actually funny or clever - and not just anywhere that it might perhaps fit. But I think the thing for the people who hate it so vehemently (like yourself - and to be honest I can understand) is to not respond at all to it’s usage, with negative statements or otherwise - and it’ll become far rarer. [/hijack]

Sssssoooooo, back to my birthday present, precious…

Is it a 1963 Amphicar?

Oh… there’s a…
Monkey in my pocket
And he’s stealing all my change,
His stare is blank and glossy
I suspect that he’s deraaaaanged!

a hole