What is the best deodorant?

I’ve been using Mitchum for men (no scent) even though I’m a woman. It say’s it has 25% protection on it and the woman Mithchum has 20%. So tell me what do you use and what should I use if I sweat a lot and still have odor. I was even prescribed Drysol for excessive sweating and it doesn’t work. It just burns a lot.


FWIW, I use Mitchum roll-on, applying before bed then again in the morning.

I’ve never found any that really really work. Maybe because I live in an incredibly hot environment, but nothing I’ve used makes me actually sweat less.

Well, there’s deodorant, which merely tries to mask your various bodily emissions, and then there’s anti-perspirants, which actively try to reduce said emissions (often using aluminium-based compounds). Me, I use the former (Ocean Surf), as it doesn’t make my underarms itch like other brands I’ve tried.

Mitchum for men. It’s pretty much the best deodorant ever.

I like the “Clinical Protection” versions of Secret or Dove - they’re deodorant/antiperspirant combos, and are wonderful. No stinking, no sweating.

Regular Dove deodorant worked better for me than Secret Clinical. The Secret smelled really good, but it didn’t stop me from sweating.

Deodorant or anti-perspirant? I can’t wear anti-perspirants because I just compensate and sweat more from other areas.

The best deodorant (w/o any antiperspirant) is either old spice or speed stick. They smell nice and cover odors.

If you have a problem with hyperhydrosis, why not look into personal cooling devices to wear?


Maybe some personal cooling devices and a good deodorant will help.

I “glow” a lot and have had great success with Secret. I get the unscented gel - the scented stuff is just too, umm, scented.

It’s purely a deodorant (not an antiperspirant), but I really prefer a deodorant stone. Technically, it’s not even a deodorant- it simply keeps bacteria from growing in your sweat, and it’s the bacteria that makes you stink. It works amazingly well- I find an application lasts much longer than any stick deodorant. The stone itself lasts for years- I’ve had the same one now for something like eight years.

if you are talking anti-perspirant - only Arrid XX was able to stop me from “pitting out”. I tried degree, and whatever special formula secret had and if I had to walk a couple of blocks to work, I would have damp pits by the time I hit the cube. Arrid XX - it takes a massive workout to get my pits sweaty now.

Anything without aluminum in it as an ingredient.


alternate days otherwise my underarms itch

Funny, I’d just gotten out of the shower and put my deodorant on when I read this. I use Old Spice After Hours. The other scents either smell bad on my body or are somehow weaker.

I used to use Mitchum, but I found it runs out too quickly. The stone sounds interesting, but it sound like it doesn’t stop the sweating, which is its own problem when I’m on stage.

Am I the only one for whom deoderant like, never seems to run out? Granted I didn’t used to wear it every day but now I do and it still never runs out. It’s like mascara. There’s just too much there to ever run out. I mean maybe after years and years…