I feel like listening to songs I don’t know. And I’m sure some of you like songs I would very much enjoy too. And I’m sure too other dopers would like discovering new stuff. There’s no requirement. It might something new or old, virtually unknown or a famous standard (I don’t know all famous songs there are), any language, any style…Whatever you happen to really enjoy at the moment goes.
I’ve been listening to Paraniod by Black Sabbath lately. I am struck by how many of the songs are just as relevant today as they were when it was released.
“Free and Easy” from Granuaile, an album of Irish music by Shaun Davey. The album celebrates the life of 16th century Irish pirate queen Grainne O’Malley. Rita Connolly sings…beautifully.
This has been my favorite song for about twelve years now.
Just yesterday, on my way home from buying milk, eggs, cheese and whatnot, I was smiling to myself like a retard just grooooooving on the fact that Teitanblood’s “Purging Tongues” is the best goddamn piece of black/death metal annihilation in the last three years or so. An absolutely devastating song.