The fact that no one has said a word about the recent activities of Alex Baldwin nor Jon Corzine is very, very telling here.
Jon Corsine, or as he is known here in NJ, Jon Corslime. He buttraped the economy by promising the poor rainbows emerging from unicorn anuses, while giving gajillions of dollars in contracts to the unions who were responsible for his election. He was summoned by congress to account for the billions of dollars his former company “lost.” His answer? “I don’t know” ala Bill Cosby describing his child’s anwer when asked why they did something monumentally stupid. No pitting for the many lives of hard-working families financially ruined by his shameless and brazen skullduggery?
And Alex Baldwin, whose self-centered childish antics wasted hours of innocent peoples time, because he’s so special, and couldn’t stop playing his silly game on his iphone, then has the audacity to tweet about it, letting everyone know what a self-important, entitled egotistical twat he is? Not a peep about him?
So I guess limousine liberals antics are excused, because, you know, they care about the poor and other little people and all. “It’s OK, they’re on our side…”
It’s way worse than that: no one has Pitted the fire that burned down a hospital in India today, killing 94 people. Typical liberals, not getting angry when private hospitals burn down but getting all up in arms just because their grandma can’t get health insurance. :rolleyes:
So now there’s some requirement to pit every asshole that males the news? Bleh. The Pit has gone steadily downhill ever since Cuntgate. It used to be a highly entertaining forum, with verbal bloodletting of offending posters, heated arguments with some substance, and the odd rant on various topics. Now it’s pretty much MPSIMS with more cursing, or lame ass “I’m too lazy to actually post a rant, so everyone else mock this topic” drivel like this thread.
If you’re going to Pit someone or something, then fucking do it. Stop this annoying tendency to just throw shit at the wall and hope someone else actually posts some content worth reading or printing to wipe my ass with. Or maybe just close the goddamn Pit, because it isn’t worth a pimple on a gnat’s ass anymore.
You mean AleC Baldwin? If so, he’s done much worse to deserve a Pitting. Remember that voice mail to his daughter? Drunk and probably violent? That was a damned site more Pit-worthy than getting kicked off a plane. He got kicked off before the flight took off, so he pretty much didn’t waste that much time.
So, yeah, he’s an ass, but this is very much a 1.5 out of 10 on the rage-o-meter.
Since you couldn’t even get his name right even once (out of 3 tries), I’m guessing he doesn’t register that high on your awareness, either.
Got an article for the Corzine thing? I haven’t seen any headlines for it, but I haven’t been looking all that hard, either.
In the time it took to write that, Oakminster, you could have been Pitting the Virginia Tech shootings. Since you didn’t, you obviously like it when people get shot. For shame.
Obsession with Alec Baldwin and his tweets is a syndrome that almost exclusively afflicts the Right, so I can’t help you with that. You have a better point about Corzine, but since you phrased your OP in the douchiest way possible, “yawn.”
I think it’s a shame that you didn’t think it was more important to Pit the man in Oklahoma who murdered two little girls. I guess you don’t think murdering little girls is that big a deal.
Baldwin got kicked off the flight; I think that’s sufficient. If the self-important jerk had been allowed to play Words With Friends to his heart’s content because he’s a Celebrity, then fuck him, Pitting is fine. (Edit: By the way, your demand for a Baldwin thread just gives this sort of egotism more page views on the Internet, so congrats for giving him more attention. Perhaps you should have spoken up when he called his daughter a “little pig”; it might have meant something then.)
And learn to spell so you can find the Corzine threads properly.
I want to pit all you assholes who aren’t reading OtisCampbellWasRight’s mind and giving him the Pitworthy entertainment he so desperately needs but obviously is incapable of providing himself.