What's the longest thread on the Dope?

Was just curious - not interested in the topic of the thread - what is the longest thread on the Dope?

The Stupid Republican idea of the day thread has 8,250 posts as of now, are there any longer?

World of Warcraft General Discussion had 12018 posts, New WoW General Discussion Thread 6/8/10 ran to 11727 posts

Baker’s Dozen has 13,969 currently… I think that’s the longest overall.

Moving this to ATMB.

Not including threads moved to another forum, but including locked threads

[li]ATMB: Pit Rules have been revised (1,052posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=508033[/li]
[li]Comments on Cecil’s Columns/Staff Reports: Flight and the Conveyor Belt (536posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=357014[/li]
[li]Straight Dope Chicago: Chicago Blizzard 2/1/2011 (103posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=595480[/li]
[li]GQ: .999… = 1? (1,063posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=32760[/li]
[li]GD: Fork Hillary 3: The Final Forking (2,949posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=460140[/li]
[li]Elections: Is it too early to say Romney has lost? (1,855posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=665866[/li]
[li]CS: Order of the Stick - Book 5 Discussion Thread (4,797posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=530128[/li] – Special note, this thread is only a little under 2000 posts bigger than the next highest post thread (All Diablo2 Talk here…) with 2,814 posts, and in fact the top 7 threads in CS have over 2k posts

[li]Games Room: Bakers Dozen (13,969posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=573445[/li] – This thread only barely beats the next highest, Trivia Dominos: Play off the Last Bit of Trivia at 13,365 posts. Both threads are still active. The next highest is the old WoW general discussion thread with 12,017, followed by the still active WoW thread at 11,726 posts. After that there is a sharp decline down to 8,945 at Free Association, and then a rather steady decline after Mystery Mafia at 5,684.

[li]IMHO: Martin/Zimmerman: humble opinions and speculation thread (9,278posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=648744[/li]-- This thread is still going. It also dwarfs the next highest by having 5,007 posts more (Why hasn’t the Neighborhood Watch shooter been arrested?), but the decline is rather steady from there.

[li]MPSIMS: a (5,337posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=158752[/li]
[li]Marketplace: New book by two Dopers – the truth about vaccines (155posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=662222[/li]
[li]The Pit: Stupid Republican idea of the day (8,250posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=511831[/li]-- This thread is still ongoing, as is the next biggest, the infamous “It’s time to officially Pit Joe Paterno and the Penn State football program.” at 6,237 posts. AND the next biggest, “Workplace griping, anyone?” at 4,877 posts is ALSO ongoing

[li]The Barnhouse: Post your favorite “Muldoons” (62 posts) http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=482356[/li]-- The next highest is the sticky at the top of the forum, at 60 posts. I found this notable and slightly amusing for some reason

Overall the winner is Baker’s Dozen in the Game Room, absolutely dwarfing the max in every other highest forum at almost 14k posts, and in fact, even the top 4 threads in the Game Room (as mentioned in the list) dwarf the Pit’s best offering by having over 3k more posts.

By the way, you can find this info by going to the bottom of a subforum page and selecting that you want posts ordered by “number of replies”, in “descending” order, starting from the “beginning.”

WoW!! :smiley:

Thanks for the info, and for moving to correct forum - missed that.

Thanks Jragon, and that’s a good tip there too.

Wow, the good old "If LotR Had Been Written By Someone Else!?" thread (at 2041 posts) pales in comparison to some of these, and is only fifth place even in its own forum. It might still be a contender in number of words or characters, though, since many of the individual posts in it are quite long (though, I’m not going to be the one to measure that).

I also hadn’t realized that the current OotS thread is over twice as long as its predecessor.

What’s the record for most thread views?

This really needs a couple of asterisks.

  1. Both of these top two IMHO threads mentioned here are really one thread. For some reason a mod locked down the first one, so the discussion was immediately continued in the second. By rights they should have been one thread, and had they been left so, the combined total would make this thread the #1 overall pound-for-pound champion.

  2. These threads were really GD threads.

I remember when Guy Stuff was the longest thread ever!

(1114 posts, from back in our first year)

IMO, if you’re going to combine both Treyvon Martin threads, you also have to combine both WoW threads, which leaves it in the dust again.

The pigeon eggs thread seems to be the longest in history. It is worse than rust in your car.

Thank you … I think. :smiley:

With no reflection on the OP of course :slight_smile: