What's Your Porno Name?

If you were in the “adult entertainment” industry, what would your name be?

A local radio station says that you can figure out your porno name thus:

  1. first name = name of first pet
  2. last name = name of first street on which you lived.

This would make mine either “Aries Morgan” or “Tracy Morgan” (depending on how one defines some of the terms), neither are that bad. The SO’s would be “Samantha Hannes”. Again, not bad.

I, however, have thought of some cool porno names:

Sharon McHunt
Dick Dribble
Willie Bangor
Rock Solid

Now it’s your turn. Using either the formula above or your imagination, what is your porno name?

Formula: “Kiki Downing”

…otherwise, George Costanza had one of my favorites: “Buck Naked”

Damn…I wanted to be Buck Naked.
If I use the formula that radio station offers, I’d be:

Robbie Ladner
I’d rather be: Harry Reams, Dirk Diggler, or even Timmy the Wonder Dink.

Bandit Bryant. Not too bad…

Here’s where the “conventional naming” falls flat…

Apparently, my porno name would be Zachias Cemetery.

With that formula, I’d be “Shep 96th Street”
Wow, real sexy. Maybe I’ll change it a little to “Shag 69th Street”

I’d rather be Connie Lingus. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine would be “Zen Reamer”… kinda mysterious, eh?

That would make me Lady Ranch.

According to the radio method, “Tippie Hystone?”

Naw, I’m a guy.

Anybody remember “Big Dick Blacque” from (I believe) the movie Hardcore?

That’d make me WALLY FLAXMAN!

hardly a porn star name! I think I prefer…ORGAZMO!! : )

jeepers…now I know I watch too many Matt Stone and Trey Parker Flix!! :cool:

Pixel Hickory Glen??

The formula says that I would be

Scotty Dug Gap. Hmmm? Could work.

Well, my very first pet ever was a cat I had when I was 5 named “Kermit”… so I would be:

Kermit Pine

No thanks!

I am Tiki Greentree—more Bond Girl than porn star.

My Mom is Yuppie Sanford (yes, she named her cat “Yuppie” back in the 1940s!).

A woman at my office wins, hands-down: Midnight Cherry.

Mugzey DelRio at your service. :D:D

Priscilla Acorn

I guess I’d have to be a transvestite…

Trigger Hammel

:slight_smile: Who would have thought having a dog named trigger would come in handy :slight_smile:

You want bad? My first dog was named “Tiny”…

I had fish for my first pets. The only problem is I never named them. So, using the name of my first named pet…
“Smokey Pearl”

I think I can live with that.

Was this supposed to be a pun? If so, EXCELLENT. If not, how serendipitous (and sublime).