When in discourse of sequential threads

Who’s missing that you really want to see on the Board?
Today in nature I saw

manhattan. His hair was perfect.

What’s in my OBDII port?
Fratricidal caterpillars?

Eugghhh! The Geek Squad’s gonna charge you extra to fix that, y’know.

What is the best school field trip you went on?
Churchill, Truman and Communism in East Europe

The highlights were Churchill taking us out for black pudding and toad in the hole, and then our mass escape over the Berlin Wall.

Diatomaceous Earth bath mat - yea or nay?
Shower Time

If I wasn’t such a bad, bad, bad angelic beck I would do bad things. These are my 5 bucket list bad bad bad things:
Mass Killings in the United States (2021)

It takes a lot of self-control to stop at 5.

What is the best way to kill a wolf spider?
Did Chicago Once Have a Brick Battleship?

We fired our guns
but the spiders kept a comin’

Something mysterious that happened you could never explain how or why
Frequency of double yolked eggs

Damn! There’s another one!

Something mysterious that happened you could never explain how or why

Frequency of double yolked eggs

I’m Robert Stack. Tonight! On Unsolved Mysteries

Oh, come on – I just used that immediately above yours, and an hour earlier. Don’t say you didn’t see it.

Same threads, but my response was completely different from yours. My voice will be heard!

In Cafe Society:

RIP Norm McDonald
Humor That Doesn’t Age Well


I’ll see myself out. Where’s the hand basket grease?

A Question About Etymology
Do bees eat meat?

That’s entomology, ENTOMOLOGY! How many times do I have to keep telling you people?

The Purpose of Clint Eastwood
Creating realistic-appearing humanoid robots

I don’t think I’d pay to see “The Good, The Bad and The Programmable”.

So, what made you smile today?
Today in nature I saw
More Jokes

Today in nature I saw
Useless body parts that are good for something


Athlete’s foot, help
The aftermath of knee replacement surgery

Well, I certainly wouldn’t give that surgeon a 5-star review on Yelp.

So, what made you smile today?
Mass shooting at a Kroger’s near Memphis

Uh, I’m gonna back away slowly.

So, what made you smile today?
Mass shooting at a Kroger’s near Memphis

Uh, I’m gonna back away slowly.

Especially given the poster’s username.

The Time Has Come to Change the National Anthem!
What is the English word for a human with a naturally occurring vagina?

I dunno, but “Assigned American At Birth” always brings tears to my eyes.

Mr. Spock can go to Hell
The Wedding’s Off!

Fell asleep during the pon farr, huh?