When in discourse of sequential threads

Elon Musk will save the world!
Is this a fair and reasonable prediction?


Debate club: What do I need to know?
Keeping spam callers on the phone

“Yes, I’ll consider buying that extended warranty. But first you have to convince me that the Monroe Doctrine was a good thing.”

If I’m looking for a therapist, is it OK to ask if they are a Trump supporter?
Would you go to Sea World?

I’d have to poll the dolphins and killer whales first.

So President Putin and President Biden are going to chat. What could they talk about?

Mouth-Hair Squickiness

Some things cut across all ideological barriers.

Which is a better power for a supervillain?
Being the last poster of a thread and then it dies

Threadkiller: look on his works and despair!

Stupid stuff I thought when I was a kid
If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off

Stupid me, I actually was afraid employers would be cruel enough to fire a whole bunch of people over the phone at the same time.

Why are so many missing persons cases being solved at the bottom of lakes?
Suicide pods now legal in Switzerland

Your job vs what you planned to do / dream job
Suicide pods now legal in Switzerland

It takes a lot of cold calls to line up customers, but the commissions are awesome.

We Eat at The Worst Michelin Starred Restaurant, Ever
Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off to Heave I Go - An Early MMP

What have you learned today?
I Can Sing and Chant in Latin

You get what you pay for at the Gaius Maximus School of Automotive Repair.

What happens to a force too small to interact with anything?
Pearl Harbor things

Is your home clean enough to welcome guests on short notice?
Can I sleep on your guest bed?

Sure, we’ll even provide a Dustbuster and can of Raid for your personal use.

Anne Rice dead at 80
Would you put parmesan on this dish?

No, I prefer my Rice plain.

What job are you most likely to die doing?
Medicare advantage plans

True, Joe Namath isn’t getting any younger.

What is This Crooked Spatula For?
Lazy song writing

Talking to HR - bad idea?
Why is it always $19 a month, and you get a blanket?

“Stop complaining, and we’ll consider raising you to $22 a month, plus a shared cubicle!”

Jingle Bells Batman Smells…
Melania sells her art

Giving to beggars
Melania sells her art

She couldn’t give it away, huh?

What job are you most likely to die doing?
Windows 10: Disabling default behavior of side/thumb buttons?

You’ll be sorry!

I have a rash! What physically happened?
Is There A Subconscious Mind?

The Hives Mind is a dark, dark forest.